Speculations The world thinks Kaido > Shanks because they don’t understand Haki

What if this is how Oda will excuse Shanks being > Kaido despite Kaido being stated as the strongest? Remember that Haki is only known to like 0.0001% of the OP world. They don’t fully understand what Shanks is capable of because of their lack of understanding of Haki, and on paper, Kaido looks stronger because of his inhuman physical strength and Dragon DF
What if this is how Oda will excuse Shanks being > Kaido despite Kaido being stated as the strongest? Remember that Haki is only known to like 0.0001% of the OP world. They don’t fully understand what Shanks is capable of because of their lack of understanding of Haki, and on paper, Kaido looks stronger because of his inhuman physical strength and Dragon DF
then it would be confirmed that world strongest title are not omnipotent if marineford did not already do that
What if this is how Oda will excuse Shanks being > Kaido despite Kaido being stated as the strongest? Remember that Haki is only known to like 0.0001% of the OP world. They don’t fully understand what Shanks is capable of because of their lack of understanding of Haki, and on paper, Kaido looks stronger because of his inhuman physical strength and Dragon DF
Kaido himself thinks Kaido> Shanks though.
Bluster and bravado
Sure buddy. Here are the facts, Shanks only came to Wano after Kaido was gone, Shanks only going after the OP after Kaido is gone. Kaido’s presence alone was keeping everyone from coming to Wano on some Ryuma shit,etc

Kaido> Shanks. Not by much though, its still an extreme diff fight. Shanks has better Haki mastery to compensate for not having freak genes and op fruits. Its been obvious for years so this is nothing new. Its expected of him to show better haki mastery else what does he have to make him compete?
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No one cares what the world thinks, Kaido thinks of Shanks among those few that can fight him

Shanks = Kaido at least, same man that appeared in chapter 1, the one who triggered the MC to this path. He's the same one who will have a war with BB too at some point, wont be weaker than Kaido.

He will make Blackbeard stronger than Kaido. Not equal. How does he become stronger than Kaido by beating someone weaker than him
Thats a valid point. If Blackbeard's hype relies on beating Shanks, then Shanks could be portrayed as equal to or stronger than Kaido. But "Blackbeard killing Shanks" is not confirmed yet. There are other options for Oda to hype Blackbeard, for example, destroying the marines and becoming the "King of the World".
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