just register to give my own thoughts on this.
one thing we need to know is why did Oda drop this plot point on to our laps? and what's the significant of this?
he said a "certain man" has a 1% of survival until tomorrow. meaning that this shadow of death on this person won't come to pass until
said person is dead, or the next day arrive. so who could this character be? is it one of the Straw Hats, the Worst Generation, Marco, or maybe it's Yamato (not really)? well i don't think it's them, and i'll explain from my point of view
Kidd/Law: i don't think it's them. while these guys are important as being somewhat rivals to Luffy. but i doubt Oda would drop a 1%
on these guys when they haven't got a good amount of attention as of recently.
Drake: i doubt it's him because i believe 99% of dying should be on a character who is important to the Wano arc. and Drake i feel is secondary in this arc specifically.
SH: kind of silly to think that they have a chance of dying of all things. but the fact that Hawkins announce it to be 1% means it can't go any lower. meaning at worst, this "certain man" will probably have a near death experience.
Marco: this man has more healing abilities than Sanji. i'm pretty sure Marco has a better chance of survival.
so who else is left? what other character i haven't mention that is: important to this arc, and will/have suffer a near death experience?
i won't say who is my guess though