Speculations Usopp is Luffy's YC4

Im sure Oda is looking for new ways to strengthen Usopp. Haki is one way, extending his range and firepower is another, but i find that he needs something unique to him that would put him above other snipers. Have you guys seen the movie Wanted? And how they use their guns? Here:

This could be a unique, creative and effective 'power up', something no one else in the series would be capable of other than him. I wish Oda would make him discover and master it on his own
This is Franky erasure, and you ought to be ashamed of yourselves :lusalty:

In all seriousness, once we get past Luffy/Zoro/Sanji/Jinbe, it doesn’t matter where the rest are ranked. Oda’s clearly just seen the other SHP as support players for a long time; as long as Usopp can remain a stellar sharpshooter, he’ll serve his purpose regardless of anything else.
Usopp is YC4