Powers & Abilities Vivre Card Pack New Bounty Reveal.

Katakuri fought against people strong enough to give him Future Sight, which not even Kaido and Big Mom have.
I remember Bege saying Katakuri trained his Coo so much that he could see a few seconds into the future.
Those words imply training for many many years instead of haki blooming in an extreme battle condition.

Also if Katakuri had fought guys on the top tier level,why would he be undefeated?
Kaido doesn't have Fs as you said but was shown to be able to deal with it on the rooftop.
Mihawk too,the strongest warlord isn't implied nor portrayed to have it yet,do you think he will be stalemated by Katakuri because of that?
I remember Bege saying Katakuri trained his Coo so much that he could see a few seconds into the future.
Those words imply training for many many years instead of haki blooming in an extreme battle condition.

Also if Katakuri had fought guys on the top tier level,why would he be undefeated?
Kaido doesn't have Fs as you said but was shown to be able to deal with it on the rooftop.
Mihawk too,the strongest warlord isn't implied nor portrayed to have it yet,do you think he will be stalemated by Katakuri because of that?
Wtf are you talking about? It was specifically stated Haki only blooms in extreme situations.

Also if Katakuri had fought guys on the top tier level,why would he be undefeated?
Undefeated doesn't mean strongest. It means no one was able to KO/put him down.
:suresure: They cling to bounties and downplay COc, FS. Yet they go on to claim their fans has adcoc or fs .
Oda himself hypes CoC and FS for those who are monsters.

"Kata fought fodders" "he's no special"
Let's count the fodders confirmed:
1. Someone has to be stronger than pre fs Luffy to give him an good battle even, not one sided! We know G4 luffy could beat top YC level dudes : Doffy (who's above Jozu) and Cracker.
2. WbP (Marco, Vista, Jozu...) fought BMP many times
3. bigger threat than linlin during WCI via Jinbei, Capone and Luffy points of view.

:gokulaugh:imagine thinking a calamity can tag Katakuri when Marco (who lacks fs & snakeman speed ), Sanji, Chopper can dodge , blitz them...
Marco got caught by VA , can be tagged by dudes who lack fs and snakeman level speed. Hurt by bullets or beams
while beams , explosions, water manipulation & koka G4 blows can't hurt kata unless your attack speed is snakeman tier.

No wonder why Marco preferred fighting Perpspero than Kata coz he couldn't land hits easily on kata.

What happened to " Top tier Marco"? No CoC, less bounty than post wci Luffy (that base kata matched) , no Adcoc and fs. No G4 AP and no snakeman speed.


The Rogue Prince
Katakuri fought against people strong enough to give him Future Sight, which not even Kaido and Big Mom have.
kaido and bigmom don't even need future sight. they can take on literally any attack that's not coated in conquerors and not even flinch. katakuri would've unlocked future sight to fight against other strong people since top tier fights last days in one piece and katakuri has comparatively lesser endurance compared to other top tiers.
kaido and bigmom don't even need future sight. they can take on literally any attack that's not coated in conquerors and not even flinch. katakuri would've unlocked future sight to fight against other strong people since top tier fights last days in one piece and katakuri has comparatively lesser endurance compared to other top tiers.
My whole point is that Katakuri developed Future Sight fighting strong people and getting in extreme situations, and even then he was never defeted.


The Rogue Prince
My whole point is that Katakuri developed Future Sight fighting strong people and getting in extreme situations, and even then he was never defeted.
again headcanon. it was never stated that haki blooming in high diff fights is the only way to gain advanced forms of haki. luffy literally trained hard and unlocked ryou (advanced armament) in wano. for all we know katakuri could've trained his ass off to gain future sight. even bege said something like that in whole cake island.
Wtf are you talking about? It was specifically stated Haki only blooms in extreme situations.
Haki blooms in extreme conditions but is more for rapid growth,doesn't mean you can't train over many many years and achieve the same results.

Also extreme conditions doesn't necessarily mean fighting top tier guys,Luffy unlocked Barrier and Penetration armament while facing fodders and in being in an urge to remove a collar.

Katakuri could have done the same.
Undefeated doesn't mean strongest. It means no one was able to KO/put him down.
Which would be strange since most top tier guys should have a way around it to not be completely useless against those type of opponents.
Marco The Phoenix -> around 1.057 Billion - 1.5 Billion Berries
Hope that it's not below than 1.5 B mark.
Izo -> around 500 Million - 542 Million berries.
Too high for someone like him. Just how many crazy shit Luffy did to get that much bounty ? He don't deserve it.
Bello Betty Bounty -> around 438 Million - 470 Million berries
- Karasu Bounty -> around 382 Million - 429 Million berries
- Lindberg Bounty -> 320 Million Berries.
- Morley Bounty -> around 230 Million - 298 Million berries
Betty has pretty strong DF (specially in war scenario)
I never expected more than 600 M for them after their introduction. They don't look that threatening.
Morley is a disappointment , knowing how much we were hyped after Doffys speech.
No bounty for Sabo ?


The Rogue Prince
against emperors even future sight doesnt save you from getting your ass beat. luffy used future sight and barely managed to escape thunder bagua. the top tiers (1st yonko commanders, admirals, and emperors) are just that strong/fast or have hax haki/df abilities.
You think Oda would make Doffy stop the Stronger Opponent & Hype the Weaker One?!
Come on man, be Rational
And that wasn't the First Panel where Doffy stopped Jozu, don't lie to yourself, it's not nice

You know that Crocodile ate a Devil Fruit right? Or does he have to play with your Rules?
Actually we did saw Crocodile use Sables right after this Conversation so it was clear he was gonna use that

Stop underestimating Crocodile please
He have Rivalry with Doflamingo, they both ignored Jozu
He didn't care about anyone in WB Crew except WB himself & even called his Old & Sick Version "Weak" & not worth fighting anymore
Gorosei went Crazy after his Defeat & said the Balance is at Risk
Doflamingo considered Law his Inferior & should become his Subordinate but he considers Crocodile his Equal & wants an Alliance with him

In Movie Stampede, it was said that he had a Draw against Undefeated Young Bullet who only lost against Roger & Garp/Sengoku Duo
He showed Awakening & excellent Stats in everything, he also saved Luffy from Mihawk & Akainu
Sengoku said he thought they were very lucky to have him against WB & the guy participated in Summit War fighting both sides

You're throwing everything that Oda built for this Character, just because Jozu surprised him with an Attack
That's Crazy !!

Put yourself in Oda's Perspective Man, he made so much Effort to Hype Crocodile so many times & made him an Important Major Character in OP World & Story in general & you think he suddenly decided to make some Yonko Commander with 10 chapters screen time Stronger than him & then made him lose his arm & make his exit??

I swear this is Insane, you people sometimes forget this Manga is written by some guy & didn't fall from the sky
When Oda wants to Highlight a Commander, he treats him the way he done Katakuri or Shiryu, not the way he treats Smoothie
As I said, mine is not an attempt to underrate Crocodile. I highly regard him and kinda see him as Doffy's rival (actually, I see Doffy as a better version of Crocodile), what I'm saying is that Sable was not going to make the cut.
One Piece battles should be looked at with a keen eye on the abilities matchups, in that case Crocodile was gonna have a tough time.
Jozu is a monster: his DF makes him the most unbreakable character in the verse, his strenght and speed are both out of the chart, that's a bad matchup for Crocodile. We saw that Jozu pushed him back (violently) once and was going for the second hit, again: Crocodile didn't show a way to overcome such a straightforward fighter with much better physical stats than his.
To add, I'm pretty sure Oda pushed a lot on the fact that Jimbe and Crocodile are practically equals and opposite poles since their reintroduction in Impel Down. This would make Crocodile a fighter in the Commander range but in the lower end of it, while Jozu has all the requirements to be on the higher end (I actually think that Jozu is superior to all the Calamities, all the Sweet Generals Katakuri aside and is superior to Yasopp and possibly Roux too... but that's just my opinion).
To keep it short: I'm not doubting that Crocodile would've put up a fight against him, but still an inevitable lost battle on the long run.

Crocodile only realistic chance of winning would've been the same way Aokiji won: using a distraction and sucking him dry with his DF (Aokiji frozed him, but is a similar principle).