They cling to bounties and downplay COc, FS. Yet they go on to claim their fans has adcoc or fs .
Oda himself hypes CoC and FS for those who are monsters.
"Kata fought fodders" "he's no special"
Let's count the fodders confirmed:
1. Someone has to be stronger than pre fs Luffy to give him an good battle even, not one sided! We know G4 luffy could beat top YC level dudes : Doffy (who's above Jozu) and Cracker.
2. WbP (Marco, Vista, Jozu...) fought BMP many times
3. bigger threat than linlin during WCI via Jinbei, Capone and Luffy points of view.

imagine thinking a calamity can tag Katakuri when Marco (who lacks fs & snakeman speed ), Sanji, Chopper can dodge , blitz them...
Marco got caught by VA , can be tagged by dudes who lack fs and snakeman level speed. Hurt by bullets or beams
while beams , explosions, water manipulation & koka G4 blows can't hurt kata unless your attack speed is snakeman tier.
No wonder why Marco preferred fighting Perpspero than Kata coz he couldn't land hits easily on kata.
What happened to " Top tier Marco"? No CoC, less bounty than post wci Luffy (that base kata matched) , no Adcoc and fs. No G4 AP and no snakeman speed.