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I feel weird now that it’s over

So much of my life has been monitoring this thread and all the role PMs and processing actions for so long Idk how to adapt back into society
yea so much of my life has been reading this thread and talking abt random shit in the discord for the last 2+ weeks that its weird for it to be over :pepehands:
so much more time than a regular mafia game

Mr. Reloaded

OJ Simpson's biggest defender
You are Kozue Orihara!

“The bad men go slashy-slashy boom boom!”

[Passive - Voice of Hearts] Having mind-reading powers that she is unable to turn off, Kozue has the following passive abilities.
---[Message Intercept]--- Once a cycle she will receive a copy of the first message ability sent to another player.
---[Invest Intercept]--- She will receive a copy of a random investigation result at night. Some results may be modified to be more generic.

[Passive - Who Are You?] Kozue has trauma that might cause her to fly off the handle if someone asks her who she is. If she is asked to claim there is a 50% chance that she will target the person who asked with her [DI-Sword] ability.

[Passive - Telepathic Alert] The first time Kozue is targeted in a phase she will be alerted to it, along with learning what type of ability she was targeted with.

[Active - Telepathic Message] Kozue can send an anonymous message to another player each phase. This ability will always find its target.

[Active - Mind Reader] Kozue can use her telepathic abilities to read a person's mind, learning if they are good or bad. She can target a player to investigate their alignment. [1-Shot]
---[Deep Probe]---
Kozue can push deeper into her target's mind, allowing her to also learn the flavor of the person she investigates while using [Mind Reader]. [1-Shot]

[Active - Read Thought] Kozue can target a player and learn one of their abilities in basic terms. [2-Shot]

[Active - DI-Sword] Kozue can manifest her DI-Sword and use it to target another player, amputating one of their active abilities. [2-Shot]
---[Slashing Frenzy]---
Kozue can go into a frenzy, allowing her to use her [DI-Sword] ability on anyone who visits her for a phase. [2-Shot]
---[Dismembering Slash]---
Kozue can go for a more lethal slash with her DI-Sword, causing her amputations to additionally cause the bleed status effect for a cycle. [2-Shot] This ability cannot be used in conjunction with [Slashing Frenzy].

[Active - Error Mode] While in error mode Kozue's DI-Sword won't do physical damage, but will instead cut through a player's karma. She can target another player and cut their current karma score in half. [3-Shot]

[Active - Delusion Snip] Kozue can put her DI-Sword in error mode and cut an action out of a write-up. Cannot be used on kills, receives, other abilities that target write-ups, or one shots. [1-Shot]
My old role for anyone who wanted it :moonwalk:


King of Knights
You are Kindred!

"How one dies shows how one lived."

[Passive - Twin God of Death] As the overseer of death, Kindred will have access to her own deadchat this game known as The Afterlife.
---[Unknown God]---
Being a spirit who is closer to a force of nature than a living being, it is difficult to tell how Kindred came to be who they are today. They are immune to investigation attempts.
---[Immortality]--- So long as there is life on Runeterra and there still be people that believe in them, Kindred will continue existing. Any time she is killed or dies, she will be janitored upon death and will regenerate after a cycle as long as town has not already lost the game by then. This passive cannot be ignored or disabled. When this passive is activated a message will trigger explaining to the thread that she will return as long as she is not forgotten.
---[Force of Nature]--- As a force well beyond control of even the most powerful entities, Kindred's abilities cannot be tampered with or interfered with. Kindred cannot be culted.
---[Death's Whisper]--- Kindred can feel when someone's time is near, and can additionally sense all of the times someone could have died but didn't. She will be informed anytime another player is targeted with a kill at night.

[Passive - Lamb and Wolf] In the beginning, Kindred was a single being, isolated from the others due to their nature as a god of death. Lonely and craving companionship, they took an axe and cut themself in half dividing them in two beings, a Lamb and Wolf, so that they would have a friend. The two aspects now each represent a different reaction to death. Town players that die will first be sent to Limbo. From there they will have the option to go down of one of these two paths.
---[The Lamb]--- The Lamb is for those who accept their fate, choosing to embrace their death peacefully. The Lamb will guild them into the afterlife where they will join Kindred’s dead chat and have the option to continue solving the game that way. Their abilities will be reincarnated into the karma shop for others to carry on their legacy.
---[The Wolf]--- Those who choose the path of The Wolf deny their fate. Choosing to remain in Limbo rather than move onto the afterlife, hoping to find their way back to the living. This road is one of pain and suffering, but these players will have the opportunity to find their way back into the game. However, should they die a second time, they themselves and their abilities will be lost forever.

[Passive - Greater Knowledge] Kindred understands the ways of death better than any other. Giving her a complex understanding of the inter workings of death and the afterlife. She is familiar with the three pains of death that will be featured in this game.
---[Limbo]--- Limbo is the place between life and death where the dead must go before choosing their next step. It will exist as its own dead chat in this game, separate from the true afterlife. Players there will have no way to communicate with the outside game and will instead simply wait there to see if they are to be revived.
---[The Afterlife]--- The Afterlife is where good souls go to rest and watch over their allies and loved ones. Players in the Afterlife will be free of the suffering that the game thread has to offer, finally finding peace. They may of course choose to continue interacting with the game through Kindred as they potentially seek to guild their allies from beyond the grave. Their abilities will be reincarnated into the karma shop.
---[The Abyss]--- The Abyss is the unfortunate place of lost souls, existing as an alternate dead chat for those of which there is nothing left to arrive into the Afterlife. It is for those who have been janitored or have died again while struggling along the path of The Wolf. Players who have been sent to the Abyss cannot be revived and cannot interact with the game thread.

[Active - Spared From Death] Kindred has it in their power to prevent death if it is not yet time for an individual to pass. Due to the dire battle they find themselves waging this game, Kindred may target a player each cycle that currently resides in Limbo and revive them into the game. These players will be sent to The Abyss if they die a second time, having missed their chance at the afterlife in their pursuit to keep fighting.

[Active - Mark of Kindred] Kindred may brand this mark onto another player for a phase. That player will be immune to death while wearing this mark. It will be announced to the thread that they cannot be killed. [1-Shot]

[Active - Dance of Arrows] As Lamb, Kindred can fire a volley of arrows at another player, preventing them from using killing abilities for a phase. [2-Shot]

[Active - Wolf's Frenzy] As Wolf, Kindred will go into violent pursuit of another player, violently stripping their karma from them and cutting it in half. [1-Shot]
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