General & Others What Big Mom, Luffy and Oden Have in Common....

What happened in 1003 is a case of Luffy not training his base form strength in his life until Wano.

Now he will need to keep on training his base strength, like in Udon prison until his Gear 2 and 3 are effective.

Luffy to a smaller degree is the only person besides Big Mom and Oden that has never trained physically for more than 3 weeks in his entire life.

Luffy is equivalent to the real life athlete Bo jackson.

Bo Jackson never trained his physical strength. He only trained how to play sports. Luffy is the same way, he only trained his devil fruit control and haki.

Luffy has been relying on his devil fruit mastery and haki to get this far. His strength in base is natural genetically gifted to him.

Now he knows that Gear 4 is a useless transformation as Rayleigh said, he will need to find something else.

The solution is him traiing his baase strength like Udon constatnly making his gear 2 and 3 more effective.


Law Nerd
Oden and Luffy had greatness in common.

Luffy and Big Mom have gluttony in common.

These are the two most visible elements I can think of, but it's Zoro to have the most in common with Oden overall, and he even inherited his will now.
What happened in 1003 is a case of Luffy not training his base form strength in his life until Wano.

Now he will need to keep on training his base strength, like in Udon prison until his Gear 2 and 3 are effective.

Luffy to a smaller degree is the only person besides Big Mom and Oden that has never trained physically for more than 3 weeks in his entire life.

Luffy is equivalent to the real life athlete Bo jackson.

Bo Jackson never trained his physical strength. He only trained how to play sports. Luffy is the same way, he only trained his devil fruit control and haki.

Luffy has been relying on his devil fruit mastery and haki to get this far. His strength in base is natural genetically gifted to him.

Now he knows that Gear 4 is a useless transformation as Rayleigh said, he will need to find something else.

The solution is him traiing his baase strength like Udon constatnly making his gear 2 and 3 more effective.
Agreed, Luffy needs to be stronger in base form. At least Amiral-tier EOS.
Guys, give up on that, Oda will never make Luffy's base form stronger, it will not have dropbacks and Oda doesn't like giving Luffy power ups whiteout dropbacks.