Future Events When will we see the new Pacistas and/or Vegapunk's new invention ?

Either during intermission chapter(s) or towards the end of Wano

if they highlighted during intermission , then we will see them , or one of them against former Shichibukai ( Mihawk or Weevil )

if near end of Wano , we will see those weapons bombarding the alliance post Kaido's defeat

Fallen Prince

Since gorosei have offically thrown their ring . I can see world govt becoming more assertive with pirates .

We have seen new generation of marines so the pacifista are kind of useless since vegapunk made the marine powerful with his research.

I think kuma and pacfista are not reliable .
Speaking of airships, have we ever see a Marines tanks or a planes before? Cuz I can't remember if we have seen those or not.:zorothink:
Not 100 % sure on Tanks but i think no . but i'm 100 % sure that we haven't seen Airplanes from Marines

i think the only known modern weapons that they have are Pacifistas .

Marine Battleships' bodies seem to still be made of woods so i'm not calling them modern