Questions & Mysteries Who will be the first flying six to go down


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I think it will be Page 1, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was Ulti. I guess the order will be from the weakest F6 (P1/Ulti) to the strongest (WsW).
Ulti I think. She already took damage. One or 2 Zeus hits and shes finished.

1.) Ulti
2.) Pageone
3.) Sasaki
4.) Maria
5.) Whos Who


Law Nerd
Hmmm it will depend on the force of the opposing side too of course.

Black Maria is looking particularly bad right now for example. But the fight has just commenced, and we don't wholly know what the battle has in store.
I'd say Ulti as she has been fighting for a long time and got hit by Yamato's RH and Nami's thunderbolt so she looks the most damaged.
On the other hand I can see they all going down on the same chapter like what happened in Fishmen Island.


Welcome to the House of Hope
It's gonna de Page One.
Then Ulti it's gonna scream "Pay Pay!"
Then Nami zaps her into oblivion and she falls next.
Usopp and Nami win. Fatality.
How does Black Maria look bad
Because she is currently up against both Brook and Robin.

For example Sasaki is only up against Franky.

So odds wise that is. However, things may quickly change later on. And on the other hand we don't know how powerful all these guys are individually. I give that.