Character Discussion Why Zoro wears 3 earrings

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In many cultures earrings are completely normal, even fashionable, for men. In the US no one under the age of 60 thinks earrings are inherently feminine.

And of course the three is for santoryu. It was an identifying feature of his back in the East Blue.

"Traditionally, a right-side piercing identified a man as gay as part of LGBT “culture and code” to secretly identify oneself to the community. "
Unfortunately Zoro picked the wrong ear due to his bad sense of direction.
It's 2021, who still makes gay jokes?
Reread my post dude I meant every word.

So let me get this straight you're saying Zoro "due to his poor sense of direction put the earring on the wrong ear" lets do simple deducting.

Has Zoro ever put his shoes on incorrectly ? (left foot on the right foot)
Has Zoro even wore his shirt backwards & have a character in the series comment on it ?
Has Zoro wore his pants inside out ?
Has Zoro commented on using the wrong sword for a specific technique ?

If the question to all of these is a "NO" then its impossible for him, to put his earring on the wrong ear, makes 0 sense.

I get it you're just trolling but this ain't it chief.
Yeah Oda hasn't once called Sanji gay, those gags are because he adamantly isn't. weren't you just trying to check someone else for reading comprehension?
Calling someone gay who isn't gay is very much the same sort of humor as dressing someone up as a transvestite when they aren't a transvestite.
That is the same KIND of humor. Take your "current year" 2021 nonsense out of my face.
OMG you still read a series started in 1997?!!!

If you can't handle examples and need obsessively perfect replications of everything then maybe you should chill from internet discourse, otherwise you will drive yourself crazy.:suresure:

I was explaining the comment because he thought I was getting right and left mistaken as an error in what I was saying, they were the one trying to correct me first lol:kayneshrug:
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