Questions & Mysteries Will Law go away after Wano?

Law is the next crewmember/ally, whether we like it or not. He plays a similar role as Oden did. Law is the heart seat Luffy was gifted but never asked for. Law is going to be a sacrifice for Luffy. He doesn't have an overpowered devil fruit with a life-shaking ability for nothing.

Throughout One Piece, villains want things that Luffy earns or attains

Kaido - Great War: Luffy will do that through Wano and World War
Big Mom - Unified Nation: Luffy will create Unified World, Just Look at his crew
Crocodile - Pluton: Nico Robin asked to join Luffy
CP9 - Pluton: Luffy fought for Nico Robin and she perma-joined.
WG - Poseidon: Luffy and Shirahoshi are friends
Moria - Nakama: Luffys crew ready to die for him

Doflamingo - Laws Sacrifice of Perpetual Youth and Chaos: Luffy has Will of D and Law beside him