Speculations Will Mt. Fuji come into play?


The Road To Harmony
We've now explored every major region/area of Wano apart from Mt. Fuji. Given the real world counterpart's landmark status and the historical significance, I don't see Oda passing up doing something with it.

Right now, Onigashima is hurling towards the Capital, which is stationed almost right at the base of the mountain. Mt. Fuji is notorious for its volcanic eruptions, so perhaps something chaotic occurs at the top to simulate that? Maybe that's where Luffy and Kaido's final fight takes place while the others work of a way to stop Onigashima's fall on the capital. Depending on how destructive Luffy and Kaido's fight is, the citizen's would be able to make out some of what is happening high above, especially if Kaido happens to be in Dragon form or some other similar large state.

I'd like to gather others' thoughts.
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Kitetsu Wanker
I think mt Fuji is where the poneglyphs are created from the errupted element which is inscribed and then cooled down.
Seeing the similarities with Rodan, King may have something to do with it.