Powers & Abilities Will Smoker Master His Devil fruit

When you think about It, Smoker's Devil Fruit contradicts his fighting style more than any other character in the manga, with the Exception of Blueno

He is a Brawler when his devil Fruit works best with Stealthy fighters who fight like a Viper, waiting for an opportunity to strike from any direction. We have seen Monet use her Stealthy devil Fruit far better than Smoker ever did allowing her to fight against fighters who could destroy her normally

Smoker needs to make his devil Fruit compliment his fighting style, not hinder it, as Vergo said during their battle, it didn't make sense for him to use his smoke too much during their battle because it made him an easy target, the fact that using his devil Fruit can hinder him Unlike say Aokiji and Kizaru

Will Smoker Master his devil Fruit or will he stay a mediocre user?


Kitetsu Wanker
I think his mastery is good enough, he just needs to apply it better.
Even against Vergo, it wasnt a mistake, it was intentional and successful.
Producing more smoke and attacking like Monet in the snowstorm can be useful but most CoO users will deal with it.
He needs to apply some suffocation techniques, cloud the vision of his opponents and improve his CoA and he's fine.