Questions & Mysteries Will that bastard monkey steal sanji's final match in the manga?



Ever since kizaru was introduced, he felt like the perfect final battle for sanji. Light kicks, speed, commading army of science based pacifistas like Sora the naval hero from the comics of germa.

But that bastard luffy is known to steal every major fight even if other have more reasons to fight that villain. Like law vs doflamingo, riku family vs doflamingo, his crew not getting fights at all in arcs like wci or many arcs and only he gets. Oda said kizaru can only be seen by great coo users and while he said sanji will specialise in coo, he gives monkey advanced coo.... when he was going to specialise at coc.

At this point I'm expecting oda to giv him kizaru in some arc, like maybe vegapunk arc of in final war as his start of the war hype tool
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Ever since kizaru was introduced, he felt like the perfect final battle for sanji. Light kicks, speed, commading army of science based pacifistas like Sora the naval hero from the comics of germa.

But that bastard luffy is known to steal every major fight even if other have more reasons to fight that villain. Like law vs doflamingo, riku family vs doflamingo, his crew not getting fights at all in arcs like wci or many arcs and only he gets. Oda said kizaru can only be seen by great coo users and while he said sanji will specialise in coo, he gives monkey advanced coo.... when he was going to specialise at coc.

At this point I'm expecting oda to giv him kizaru in some arc, like maybe vegapunk arc of in final war as his star of the war hype tool
Imo since Kizaru is speed-themed, imo (i also hope) Luffy with penetrating CoA and FS will appropriately take him before taking Akainu. But doesn't mean Sanji wont get a spotlite. I hope Greenbull is reserved for Sanji, while Fuji for Zoro
Thats why new world arc sucks...

Pre time skip almost every SHC gets development or memorable fights, now they become fodder
Sanji use diable jamble on caesars thugs smh
Zoro never gets serious fights
And the rest shc is more fodder than main villain thugs

Its no surprise that marine will be taken down by new characters that i even care, oda will make others SHC weak, they still gets an important plot points but weak af
Nah luffy will fight akainu but he might have a clash with all 3 current admirals to mirror what he did in MF except this time they will shit their pants (sorry admirals fans).

However I think he is going to defeat queen who I first believe would be defeated by sanji. But kow I think sanji's plot is linked to yamato. I might make a thread about it.
Kizaru's possible opponents would be Zoro if the strawhats do have a fight with the admirals OR GreenBull if Oda goes with a marine vs marine scenario.

1. Kizaru doesn't command an army of pacifistas, Sentomaru does as the captain of the science unit.
2. His lights kicks were used against fodders never against another top tier, so if Sanji is a fodder then yes Kizaru will use his kicks for him
3. Sanji, Luffy, Zoro are all speed based.

Yellow Monkey vs Monkey D. Luffy, does make sense if it actually happens. Not to mention he's the man responsible for his crew getting seperated.
i'm 90% sure sanji vs kizaru is happening it was teased in an opening they wouldn't do that unless oda told them about it

i think kid would be a better opponent for green bull
But why Kid though? Kid is at best gonna help Luffy's crew out against the World Government but he ain't gonna steal Jinbei or Zoro's opponent LOL.
Come to think of it, I'm among the ones that think that Luffy will beat Kizaru first before moving on to Imu, while Akainu will be given to Sabo. This way, Luffy wouldn't steal Sabo's spotlite. Sanji face Greenbull, Zoro face Fujitora, Dragon face Kong+Uranus. Quite a fair share imo.
I think against the marines, only Luffy and maybe Zoro will fight admirals.

Luffy is going to 1v1 akainu, I just can't see it going down any other way. Sanji taking on kizaru would mean that Sanji would be close in strength to Luffy as Kizaru is close to akainu.

I honestly cannot see how that could happen. For Zoro it kinda makes sense as Luffy and zoro were close in the past, but even then I'm doubtful it will happen.

Oda widened the gap between Zoro and Luffy during WCI and I highly doubt that Zoro will leave Wano significantly above YC1 level.

imo it will be:

Luffy vs Akainu
Sabo vs fujitora
revolutionary commanders+Ivankov vs greenbull
Eustass Kid vs Kizaru. (imo Kid will be involved in the marine arc as he will most likely pursue Vegapunk in order to try to cure Killer)
Strawhats vs SSG

I think the SSG should have a few fighters who are high YC tier and somewhere between top and YC1 tier. Perfect matchups for Zoro, Sanji, and jinbe.