Questions & Mysteries Your expectations of the Holy Knights (Questions provided)

- What do you expect of the Holy Knights generally?
- How strong do you think they are?
- Are they human?
- How do you think the recruitment process of this group even works?
- What about their possible fighting style/technique, do they have Rokushiki or do they have something else in store?
- What about their haki?
- What about their possible Devil fruit?
- What of their possible design roughly to match OP version of Holy Knights? Do you think we have seen some of them or all of them before or new characters?
- What do you think their role is?

What we know of them so far:

- They were first mentioned by Kizaru who were tasked to deal with the matter of Donquixote Mjosgard, a Celestial Dragon
- This chapter they were mentioned by Dragon again who says they are gonna mobilize the Holy Knights with the Revolutionary army destroying supply ships/routes, saying their real battle would start with that moment
- One of them in the front from the rough silhouettes looks similarly to Shanks in build with the sword. Is it Shanks or a relative of his, or complete coincidence and a rough silhouette (someone else)
- To me they are the WG's answer to Admirals/VAs, but relative. 1-4 of them will have more elite positions than the others Id say. That said, who knows what the Gorosei are at this point then, they also seem imposing.
- Yes moderately strong. Relative to the Marines. I assume they dont abide by Kong's orders.
- Yes, Celestial Dragons. In my opinion, all 20 CD Families are represented in some way. 1 is tied to Imu (Nefeltari imo), 5 are Gorosei, and the remaining 14 (i dont think its 9) are God's Knights. The most powerful family member in each represents the family through this.
- See above
- The next 3 questions are all variable. Some will be Haki or DF. Some with Rokushiki. Some maybe with new techniques by that point
- Im 50/50 on one of them being Shanks (i.e. Figarland) but who knows at this point
- Their role is to play a part in the final war against Im and the Gorosei. But at this point we dont know if Im and Gorosei are powerful or not yet. We'll see.

Thoughts on the Supreme Commander of the Holy Knights intro/narration and being also Celestial Dragon?

He gives off Gorosei vibes, badass old dude who seems to be strong... and a scumbag, human garbage too. Is he Shanks father I wonder or uncle some shit.

Pretty neat design overall
He's probably the Garp of Celestial Dragons.

Strong but refuses Gorosei promotion.

Although if Saturn gets defeated in Egghead, Garling might get promoted.

Thoughts on the Supreme Commander of the Holy Knights intro/narration and being also Celestial Dragon?

He gives off Gorosei vibes, badass old dude who seems to be strong... and a scumbag, human garbage too. Is he Shanks father I wonder or uncle some shit.

Pretty neat design overall
Either 2 options:

- There are 13 God Knights to represent each of the remaining CD families.
- The remaining God Knights are euther only Figarlands or a select few families.

I expect them to be strong. What im more curious about is this one's command privileges vs. Kong. Surely it is higher since he is a CD, but we know so little about the latter even though they are above Akainu in rank.
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Either 2 options:

- There are 13 God Knights to represent each of the remaining CD families.
- The remaining God Knights are euther only Figarlands or a select few families.

I expext them to be strong. What im more curious about is this one's command privileges vs. Kong. Surely it is higher since he is a CS, but we know so little about the latter even though they are above Akainu in rank.
Kong should still have less privileges than any CD so a CD command overrides Kong's command let's say

Each family/clan having one on those ranks would be very possible. Could also be to be a Fearland thing also, considering Garling ruled God Valley the Holy Knights could be his work too.

Maybe he was the first to become a Celestial Dragon like how York and Stelly suggested they can become one.

Or it was like Alabasta with Nefertari's except God Valley being a haven for CD too like the Holy Land but below the red line, with Garling as it's King.