wish zoro could kill kaido and we saved all of boring and annoying zkk threads . What do u expect ? There is army and healthy people can fight . If kaido come back , these people will say whatever we can wait zoro or they will sy kaido bro please wait to awake zoro :)))))
Zolotard : Luffy knocked out Kaidou with just one punch => that's bullshit ODA, trash... bla bla bla
Also zolotard: ZKK, Kaidou > Luffy but Zolo > Kaidou, ZKK should be true.ZKK will jump to the sea and kill kaidou...... => that's logic.
We do it not because we are afraid of it
We do it because we laugh at your attitide in years
Don't be under delusion about everything like that, even about what people think about you
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