Just like the rumors for every other character him being some cold calculated demon is just that a rumor. Sure to characters that don’t actually know them they can seem true just like with law or Jinbe etc but the point is they

The whole point of his introduction is to prove that shit wrong. That’s the whole reason luffy decided that he wanted him to join
Also zoro word is not law. No matter how logical and emotionless he tries to come off in certain situations a lot of the times even he himself doesn’t fully agree with what he says lol

What zoro says isn’t always right and that’s okay because the crew is bigger than just him. All their opinions are just as valuable and depending on the situation any of them can take the lead or advise luffy/the crew
- He was wrong about not trusting nami and believing she truly was evil enough to kill usopp
- He was pretty calm and collected when robin left not leaning one way or another. Tho he was convinced she was an enemy when she lied to them about betraying them
- He was right to not just want usopp to just freely rejoin without apologizing to the point Sanji disagreed with nami to say he’s right. At the same time it wasn’t like he was cold to usopp or didn’t care if he rejoined. He just as much as any other crew member was waiting for usopp to come back and rejoin
- He’s straight up just tsundere with sanji. Despite talking all big about how they should just leave him and how the situation was sanji’s fault in his argument with nami he was just trying to hide his actual feelings. Luffy himself even calling him out on being worried

While confident in his strength he constantly dogs on himself about being to weak and how every failure is because he’s not good enough. Even when the situation isn’t even really his fault
With Zoro always trying to come off as strong even when he doesn’t need to. To the point he can come off as cold despite not actually meaning what he says. Zou being a clear example of him saying 1 thing but deep down meaning the other. Punk hazard being another example of him being extremely hard on himself that he projects it out.

Just because zoro can speak seemingly very matter of fact doesn’t mean doesn’t mean he’s not going to be one of the first people to try and fuck shit up. Wano being an amazing example lol. He was the first strawhat in wano and onigashima to start shit while judging other characters for doing the same as a gag. Man’s reckless as hell when he’s left by himself lol
Also to get it out the way zoro and sanji obviously don’t hate each other. Like if you genuinely somehow believe they don’t have immense mutual respect for each other and their strength idk what to tell you. Zoro respects himself too much to compete, bicker, and compare himself to someone he didn’t respect

Man’s also a softy
Characters that don’t know him thinking he’s just some cold monster don’t know him. If he was he wouldn’t get along with the stawhats. Mans a very protective guy, that doesn’t like seeing innocent people get hurt, and doesn’t like fighting people he deems defenseless
He’s also weirdly kinda sexist which isn’t really important it just really bothers me thinking about it

He a lil bit stupid too. Which is fine but similar to luffy he’s just kinda slow lol. Calling them dumb isn’t a negative they just are

All that being said that doesn’t mean zoro can’t be “demonic” like or smart or give good advice cause all that is true to an extent. The thing is he’s more than that. He’s not some Gary Stu invincible badass without character flaws. He’s not the only strawhat that matters outside of luffy because they’re all equally as important and that’s okay