Zoro used Enma at full power :steef::steef:
nah i dont think so. the fact that mastering Enma is what we are focusing on and not cutting fire (whichis hte oppositeo f what i thought we would do) then mastering Enma will be what happens at the very end of eithr this Kaido fight or the King fight at the end of the arc. This Enma business is now set up as a final hurdle which is a problem.

Because if the main thing with Zoro is just enma then that means Ashura no longer matters. If the last thing he does against kaido or king is his mastered use of Enma then that means Ashrua is no longer needed to finish the arc. So we wont see ashura again this arc.

The only alternative is that Zoro masters Enma on Kaido, then afterwards he uses Ashura on King. But that would mean King is worth mastered Enma + Ashura. which is ridiculous to some extent