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Formerly Seth

Yes one of 3 triggers of OP shouldn't have screen time because of my Powerscaling :risicheck:
Idgaf what u think. Bad writing iS this arc as a whole. Roof fight is the only hot topic here. Unless you really think that fucking nami and tama vs Ulti will change the world lmao.

Literally no one cares. We waited long for the roof. Switching from there to minors in this act is a bad writing if u ask me. This arc should end in novas defeat potentially.
Idgaf what u think. Bad writing iS this arc as a whole. Roof fight is the only hot topic here. Unless you really think that fucking nami and tama vs Ulti will change the world lmao.

Literally no one cares. We waited long for the roof. Switching from there to minors in this act is a bad writing if u ask me. This arc should end in novas defeat potentially.
That's not what bad writing means, you're not making any sense.
Just out of curiosity what makes you think hes coming back?
Cp0 said hes dead, You think cp0 dont know whether hes dead or alive?
Orochi will pull something out of his ass and comeback to life
Oda gave Momo a sword that was used to slay the 8 headed snake and then made Orochi an 8 headed snake
And the Kuzuki Kurozumi hatred has to be dealt with
I don't see Oda killing Orochi off just like that
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