
Random day in onigashima

King looking all nervous but he heard rumors of the yonko going crazy and burned a applicant to ashes previous day of interview round.

Enters the room

Kaido :Look another moron appears .

Shogun : Kaido sama dont kill another one. The last applicant you burned him to ashes. We cant afford to lose him.

Queen in the interview panel : All right shit head !! You like joy riding in prison udon. What will you do if udon prisoner dont work properly ?

King (looks annoyed) : Dont call me shit head (No one said that not even my trainer in impel down)

Queen- Lol looks like you got a nerve. How about i say you look like darth vader s illegitmate child.

King is enraged and tranforms into pterodactyl .

Queen : You want to fight but we will settle it out outside (looks at kaido nervously)

Kaido : Done he is our new King !!

Shogun: wait i havent asked anything ?

Kaido : Shut up your matter holds nothing.

King : Wait i got the job ?

Kaido : Wanna bet i am out of sake. Orochi bring me more sake.


kings specality is pure aerial attack its hard to fight him if he attacks from sky he can easily border the sky and he even took out linlins ship with no reql effort. I feel fighting queen will be relatively easier .

Kaido has two advantages aerial as well as ground. He is beastly in his dragon and human form.

I dunno how will oda execute kaidos defeat. Adding to headache there is big mom pirate lel.


I suppose marcos alliance will be crucial to counter kings aerial attack. I dont see how they will divert with king monitoring sky.

Luffy needs aerial attack fighter . Having marco in the war is like trump card.

How will alliance party counter numbers ?

This is where i thought otama comes into play. Even Alliance need beasts from wano to support them.

Adding to it luffy def need his grand fleet in this war. Def need thos5 giant to fight numbers.

We are left with commander from bmp and beast pirates.