-There will be a great event (supremacy)will happen to Sanji even Zoro’s fans will be Sanji’s fans after that event
-Sanji will maintain the balance of the world
-Sanji will fusion with a mythical fiery bird* not obeying orders

*by obtaining new fruit / new suit depends on the translation

It has nothing to do with 1006 chapter

These are for future events and These from Oda’s draft for future events and his conversation with the editor
The Kuma moment for Sanji!!!
I've been telling you guys :kata:
Maybe only Sanji can unlock it. Remember Sanji's Ancestors conquerored the North Blue. Maybe they had a secret power than they lost the power. So Judge wanted to replicate it with science, but flopped:choppawhat:. They Sanji unlocks it.....
All that from a Joke. Okay. Make the theory thread
Post automatically merged:

the only thats kinda confirmed this week is that its a sanji chapter
Nope, Sanji isnt even in the chapter


But since when does Bounty represents greatness? Teach has more bounty than Luffy doesn't mean he is greater than him. I mean I get it that greatness is a very subjective concept but still "Zoro fans will become Sanji fans" is overstating things to say the least.
Bounty is how the world gets to judge who's the most dangerous.

Teach layed low thats why he had 0

Sanji is a Vinsmoke serving under Luffy , he will be doing crazy things
WG will consider him more dangerous than any strawhat in the future for his feats