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Formerly Seth

If you think about it. Legends from the previous era never died by being killed off by their peers or new generation.

Whitebeard, Roger.

Shiki status is ????

Xebec's status/death is ????

Formerly Seth

no chapter after a break is ever good dont get ur hopes up
Lol. Stop bsing.

Oda doesn't care about shit like that. Peep few chapters back, on the moment chapters come back from a break.

They rarely look good. Oda doesn't care about final chapter before the break or first chapter after the break.
Spoiler 1008, chapter name: Silhouette

Cover: Shanks takes sake with a silhouette

Jinbe will unmask Who's Who and be shocked, it will be another silhouette

Sanji will come face to face with someone and will be surprised, it's a silhouette

Fake Oden will reveal his true identity, which will be another silhouette

Yamato will reveal his Zoan form, it will be another silhouette

King, Queen and Jack will become hybrids, all will be silhouettes

Fukurokuju will meet someone surprising, it will be another silhouette

Domo: Luffy will reveal the Gear 5, it will be a silhouette

Chapter ends, silhouette next week
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