Who will Kaido fight?

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Is it not intended to be offensive ? Some of the one's you brought up as being used against Zoro fans seem to be intended to be offensive as well.

I don't know, it's just odd to me how some literally can't talk about the other fanbase normaly. It just paints you in a bad light as far as i'm concerned if you constantly do that, but to each his own i guess :specialmeh:
"Is it not intended to be offensive ?"
Some of the one's you brought up as being used against Zoro fans seem to be intended to be offensive as well."
perhaps, I still see no reason to cry about it.

"I don't know, it's just odd to me how some literally can't talk about the other fanbase normaly. "
fanbase interactions involve banter
you see this in sports as well
you must have heard nice things all your life? yeah?
if not
its not a personal insult
take your licks and move on ..........
Maybe you should flip that W into an L

Luffy/koby say they will meet again in the newworld, koby says he will get even stronger and catch Luffy, there going to fight but to be expected from a zorotard clown
Koby tells luffy he will become an admiral of the navy, luffy accepts the fight
there going to fight, PK Luffy vs Admiral Koby
I know its hard to cope because your underling will never be close to luffy like koby is
@T.D.A you want cope too, I would be mad too if Oda said someone else in the new generation will be stronger than zoro not named luffy
and a Admiral is stronger than Mihawk so
"Supernovas vs Two Yonko"

Ngl when I first thought about it, I got chills. I'm like "They are done, these two gonna kill them". Two Yonko are too scary.

But now, seeing this fight, I'm like " okay Akainu is more intimidating than these two yonko".

That is not going to happen sadly.....even in mf against 3 admirals that didn't happen....pis is omnipresent in one piece....


Lead them to paradise.
I don't see why Kaido gives special treatment to the SNs in comparison to the Scabbards. We know damn well he could oneshot all of them. But he's just watching them land their puny hits.
That is the power of plot, the SNs have plot relevance. The scabbards did not.

It is sucky writting and makes the villains look like complete retards but it is what it is.
Luffy wants to keep attacking, saying his attacks must work eventually because Kaidou is a human just like them. Zoro warns him that they should think of another way. Killer comments how he's surprised that Luffy can still call Kaidou "human".

Oda "When Kaidou appeared for the first time, I said that Luffy can't defeat such a strong character yet. And I'm yet to know how Luffy would defeat Kaidou. Probably my audience will not be satisfied if the reason for defeating Kaidou is just because Luffy's punch is so strong. Luffy and I have to find a solution somehow."

@Cinera @HA001 @Fenaker @ZoroSlaysDragonTuna @bennbeckman

Def disappointed that Luffy hasnt grown as a character and has a strategy

At least Zoro is like bro we cant beat them with just brute force
There were never going to do great .
They just don't have the look that the fanbase who vote for this stuff like .
its not just down to looks matey .
for a long while in this arc
the villain looked more like orochi than kaido.
their characters have been reduced to nothing more than natural born monsters that are tanky. "hahaha time to get serious"
does fuck all.

big mom has been used a a joke and a plot device whenever its convenient and I fear the same happens again soon with this split up.
Oda doesn't want to kill anyone, this "war" could be even worse than naruto's final war.
Kaido and big mom should not have existed. Over power villains are not very good in most cases.
The tension is nonexistent, luffy and co. will win with zero casualties.
Yes, I have the same thoughts as you. Wonder if Oda ever looked back and re read these recent chapters.... there is literally no tention....
"Is it not intended to be offensive ?"
Some of the one's you brought up as being used against Zoro fans seem to be intended to be offensive as well."
perhaps, I still see no reason to cry about it.

"I don't know, it's just odd to me how some literally can't talk about the other fanbase normaly. "
fanbase interactions involve banter
you see this in sports as well
you must have heard nice things all your life? yeah?
if not
its not a personal insult
take your licks and move on ..........
Why do you feel the need to say that i am "crying" if i bring this up to discussion ?

For me it's just odd the extent to which i see it happen, as some posters literally seem to do it without fail.

But hey, if you guys want to defend this behaviour and find value in it, have at it. I find it dumb, but if it brings you guys joy then at least you get something out of it :milaugh:
Luffy wants to keep attacking, saying his attacks must work eventually because Kaidou is a human just like them. Zoro warns him that they should think of another way. Killer comments how he's surprised that Luffy can still call Kaidou "human".

Oda "When Kaidou appeared for the first time, I said that Luffy can't defeat such a strong character yet. And I'm yet to know how Luffy would defeat Kaidou. Probably my audience will not be satisfied if the reason for defeating Kaidou is just because Luffy's punch is so strong. Luffy and I have to find a solution somehow."

@Cinera @HA001 @Fenaker @ZoroSlaysDragonTuna @bennbeckman

what are you talking about? Obviously luffy is not beating kaido on his own the other 4 are on the roof.


Black beard is going after Shirahoshi . i think Caribou told someone maybe the G5 or maybe even X-Drake and BB got infos as well.
Shanks is gonna interfere and he is the one armed man who will show Shirahoshi how to use her power , Luffy has to help them in the next arc against Black beard and he will have Momo help him.
if it comes true that Momo is Uranus you can bet Vivi is Pluton.
sure many think the giant ship is Pluton but i think it is just a gaint ship who can be controlled by real weapon Vivi.
Shirahoshi is Poseidon and can control marine live and not only the see Kings but they are the most important thing.
Vivi is Pluton and can control all ships with her powers , how that? it is conntected to Klaubterman i would assume so she can command them. or at least the ships that have Klaubtermen.
Momo is Uranus and can control Zou as the main one (just like the gaint ship in case of Vivi)and other living Animals and birds.
at the end i think Vivi is with revos
Shirahoshi will be with Shanks
Momo is with Luffy.
cannot wait seeing Momo controling the mountain God and uses him against the enemies when they get on land
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