Is it not intended to be offensive ? Some of the one's you brought up as being used against Zoro fans seem to be intended to be offensive as well.
I don't know, it's just odd to me how some literally can't talk about the other fanbase normaly. It just paints you in a bad light as far as i'm concerned if you constantly do that, but to each his own i guess
I don't know, it's just odd to me how some literally can't talk about the other fanbase normaly. It just paints you in a bad light as far as i'm concerned if you constantly do that, but to each his own i guess

Some of the one's you brought up as being used against Zoro fans seem to be intended to be offensive as well."
perhaps, I still see no reason to cry about it.
"I don't know, it's just odd to me how some literally can't talk about the other fanbase normaly. "
fanbase interactions involve banter
you see this in sports as well
you must have heard nice things all your life? yeah?
if not
its not a personal insult
take your licks and move on ..........