Who will Kaido fight?

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Ok let me explain two things:
1. The reason Kaido says to the scabbards and Zoro that they are using Odens Ryou is because he feels like its a similar Haki. As in it gives off the same feeling. Its not meant to be taken literal. You cant use a Haki of a dead person its impossible. What Kaido felt is the scabbards haki. Which was omitting a similar feeling to Odens Ryou.
2. Zoro unlocked CoA in alabasta there is alot of proof. He just didnt understand it fully yet and couldnt fully control it.
Luffy and Zoro were both exposed to Haki in the childhood but never understood it really. At alabsta Zoro used haki for the first time but it wasnt something he could use at free will yet. And only masteres it at a high level in the time skip.
yeah i know he meant the same ryou technique as oden.
also the sword not even blackened with hardening just ryou, here...

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He still felt her doing something as soon as she started shouting. He didn't use his ears. Thus the only other way he sensed her by "feeling" is via CoO. Of course his CoO at that time may have not been as good as it is now....but their's legitatemly the same scene in PH. This time being able to tell that she is in danger.

Both are CoO.
oda is too conflicted best not to dwell on it too much.

Formerly Seth

zoro learned some very basics of armament and unlocked it in alabasta. like katakuri even says there are "levels" to armament as well. zoro didnt even know what it was, just that he could cut steel. luffy had conquerors and observation very early too, luffys doing obs haki in the enel fight even
Could Mihawk situation from MF be considered as a Future Sight hint? Hardcore take but looks plausible.
Ok let me explain two things:
1. The reason Kaido says to the scabbards and Zoro that they are using Odens Ryou is because he feels like its a similar Haki. As in it gives off the same feeling. Its not meant to be taken literal. You cant use a Haki of a dead person its impossible. What Kaido felt is the scabbards haki. Which was omitting a similar feeling to Odens Ryou.
2. Zoro unlocked CoA in alabasta there is alot of proof. He just didnt understand it fully yet and couldnt fully control it.
Luffy and Zoro were both exposed to Haki in the childhood but never understood it really. At alabsta Zoro used haki for the first time but it wasnt something he could use at free will yet. And only mastered it at a high level in the time skip.

Finally someone who have brain....
These zoro haters are insane man, they have to downplay every panel of zoro doing things
I cant imagine how rotten their brains are....

Imagine if oden or some powerful people haki can be carried over their belongings.....
Luffy's hat will be indestructible because rogers haki is in that hat.... or ryuma sword will cut oars in halves..... wtf is zoro haters thinking?...geez


Zoro Worshipper
Finally someone who have brain....
These zoro haters are insane man, they have to downplay every panel of zoro doing things
I cant imagine how rotten their brains are....

Imagine if oden or some powerful people haki can be carried over their belongings.....
Luffy's hat will be indestructible because rogers haki is in that hat.... or ryuma sword will cut oars in halves..... wtf is zoro haters thinking?...geez
"Enma is a top tier tool"

"The tool >> Current Lucci & Croco Boy combined1!1"
Even tho Jinbe wont develop much more he should be around Commander level.

WsW aint winning this unless face reveal is fucking dunno
his dad
jinbe is clearly where the weakest commanders are. which would spefically be around a 3/4 commander.

who’s who should be around that level also. Don’t underestimate who’s who or any of the all stars.
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Formerly Seth

jinbe is clearly where the weakest commanders are. which would spefically be around a 3/4 commander.

who’s who should be around that level also. Don’t underestimate who’s who or any of the all stars.
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Jinbe is a Straw Hat now.

WsW power level doesn't matter at this point.

If it will be needed. Jinbe will get PiS.
Yeah, that's why Kaido stood in Zoan form instead of turning Hybrid right away, and that's why Kaido after turning Hybrid said, that this is "really fun". Stop searching for excuses. Base Kaido one shotted boundman and Hybrid obviously > base.
and now it cant one shot base luffy and again with hybrid, try again for another excuse
Finally someone who have brain....
These zoro haters are insane man, they have to downplay every panel of zoro doing things
I cant imagine how rotten their brains are....

Imagine if oden or some powerful people haki can be carried over their belongings.....
Luffy's hat will be indestructible because rogers haki is in that hat.... or ryuma sword will cut oars in halves..... wtf is zoro haters thinking?...geez
man i'm a pure zoro fan that's why i don't like oda giving him enma, i would prefere if he made him learn ryou just like luffy, but he ended up just giving him a sword that's able to hurt kaido cuz it automatically gives you the ability to use ryou it literally suck it out of zoro.
Jinbe is a Straw Hat now.

WsW power level doesn't matter at this point.

If it will be needed. Jinbe will get PiS.
i never said he will lose like your trying to imply I said jinbe was overhyped he’s strong but he’s franky level


that’s a story for another day tho

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man i'm a pure zoro fan that's why i don't like oda giving him enma, i would prefere if he made him learn ryou just like luffy, but he ended up just giving him a sword that's able to hurt kaido cuz it automatically gives you the ability to use ryou it literally suck it out of zoro.
I said this but got called not a zoro fan so I stopped talking about enma
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