Will LeZoro James Continue to Carry the SNs to a Ring Against the Yonko?

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yes, it is very good feat from Zoro and provided good rapport with other SN...but both downplayers and wankers are blowing out of proportions in downplaying/elevating Zoro....
True, ie Cinera was too quick at calling it a top tier feat or something like that (since I think a top tier would hold against such a force better tbh) and on the other hand, claiming Sanji or Jinbe did the same is massive lowball. Apparently this blast destroyed a part of the entire island whose size was calced around 10 - 15km. Thus, even if it's a part, it still holds much AP I'd say.

Here are two different calcs.

Therefore, momentarily stopping the attack was still great Grandmaster stuff!
So it seems that Zoro was able to block the combined attack just for 1 second and he needed to be saved by Law otherwise he would have died.
Still very impressive but faaar away from all the masturbation he received these two days from a lot of people.

Anyway the combined attack from Kaido and Big Mom could be the strongest attack we ever witnessed in One Piece, am I right?
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