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What do you make of Luffy getting Old Rayleigh as a teacher for the time skip whereas Zoro gets Mihawk? Does this imply Old Rayleigh > Mihawk? I don't see why Oda would give Luffy the weaker teacher.
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@Jiihad was interested in the topic too.
As someone who has learned below Senpai himself for 2 years, let me answer your question instead.

Isn't that obvious already the moment Garp mentioned Rayleigh in the same line with old Whitebeard?
"Taking 2 legends at the same time"

And Mihawk was trying to measure the distance / gap between him and old Whitebeard (who is portrayed as old Rayleigh's equal).

Just connect the dots and the answer should be obvious already, isn't that right? @Jo_Ndule senpai


I will never forgive Oda
As someone who has learned below Senpai himself for 2 years, let me answer your question instead.

Isn't that obvious already the moment Garp mentioned Rayleigh in the same line with old Whitebeard?
"Taking 2 legends at the same time"

And Mihawk was trying to measure the distance / gap between him and old Whitebeard (who is portrayed as old Rayleigh's equal).

Just connect the dots and the answer should be obvious already, isn't that right? @Jo_Ndule senpai
So if Kizaru after 10 minutes is > Old Rayleigh, and Old Rayleigh >> Mihawk, Kizaru after 1 minute > Mihawk?



What do you make of Luffy getting Old Rayleigh as a teacher for the time skip whereas Zoro gets Mihawk? Does this imply Old Rayleigh > Mihawk? I don't see why Oda would give Luffy the weaker teacher.
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@Jiihad was interested in the topic too.

This is one of the reasons why I can't really place EoS Zoro above or equal to Prime Rayleigh.

Zoro's : milestone/opponent/master/goal/rival will always be below Luffy's.

If we look their feats and portrayal, The respect Rayleigh got, no warlord has received that.
Another thing is CoC! Oda has been tying every CoC user to Luffy! Even if that person is out of prime or dead.
Luffy gets to battle/surpass conquerors while Zoro fight normal strong dudes.

I'm 100 % sure that Prime Rayleigh is above Mihawk.
99% sure that Old Rayleigh is equal to Mihawk
51% sure Old Rayleigh is slightly above.

Masters :
Prime Rayleigh > Old Rayleigh >= or ~ Mihawk > Iva

Opponents :
Luffy opponents are always stronger :
Doffy > Pica
Kaido/BM > anyone Zoro will ever fight
Teach > Shiryu/Burgess
Akainu > Fuji

Goal :

Milestones :
Croco > Mr 1
Lucci > Kaku
Katakuri > King/Shiryu or whoever Zoro gets to surpass/fight as non top tier milestone
Shanks > Posthawk
Roger > Ryuma

People portrayed with :
Pirate : Kidd > Law
Marine : EoS Coby > EoS helmeppo

PUs :
Pre TS : G2/3 > Ashura
Nightmare luffy > Zoro with Shishui
G4 > Ashura or Enma
G4 + advanced haki > Zoro with Enma + Ashura

Luffy is set to surpass Yonko and admirals while Zoro is set to surpass Mihawk who is admiral level at best.