Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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those 9 Shadows might be all CoC user.
to be honest it will not surprise me if Law and Killer have that ability as well.
Yamato and Sanji are possible user , then you have Momo has it for sure we need one more who has it.
what about Jinbe?
from Redon in ArlongPark Forums
- Zoro tells Law that the attack he is going to launch on Kaidou is the best he can do, and that if it doesn't work, he leaves the rest to him.
- Zoro intersperses some dialogue with Kaidou while using the Asura attack and then attacks him.
- Kaidou : "It can't be ... Do you also have 'dynasty features'? This is going to leave a scar on me."
- Kaidou attacks Law : "Enough is enough. Raimei Hakke !!"
So Zoro wasn't hit by Thunder Bagua ? Or he hit Law AND Zoro with the same attack ? :zorothink:
I fucking called it. Kaido used Conqueror's Haki with Thunder Bagua. Been saying for years that there is more to CoC than just fodder control, and that you can imbue it directly into your attacks. It was so obvious with all the clashes we've seen involving CoC that, that's what they were doing. Looks like Oda has given us the answer as to how Luffy is going to defeat Kaido, and it will be CoC related.
And now all you have left is talking out of your ass. You're mindbroken at this point. See you in a few arcs when Zoro mid-diffs Shanks as a warm-up

it take big balls to attack a Shanks fan when we won a old war, the CoC war :endthis:

likes you failed to see CoC is a broken power :milaugh:

you have ZERO understanding about how one power hype works :goyea:

even your boy Zoro is respected cause of CoC not swordsmanship or CoA :kata:
1 - The wording isn't the best there but Kaido falls after Luffy's punch him, the one the provider drew.
2 - Luffy is just saying Kaido will be defeated after taking all those hits.
3 - Prometheus sabes Big Mom and Killer and Kidd go after her.
Thanks, so it's confirmed - this chapter is a strong 15/10, just let it turn out that the cover is Shanks or Mihawk and it will be 20/10.

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