Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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Tieba TL:

Luffy seems tired while Big Mom is falling down. Kaido wants to help her and free Prometheus from Zoro's onslaught, so he attacks him. Law uses this moment to attack Kaido while Prometheus manages to escape in the chaos and head to Big Mom. Zoro announces to everyone that he will finally hit his limits with his next big move and that he is leavign the rest to them. he uses a new form of Asura on Kaido. Kaido is deeply wounded by this technique. he is surprised because he assumed it wa simpossible for him to be damaged like this. Luffy stands up now and says something unknown to Kaido. Then he suddenly attack (see the picture).
Luffy (to Zoro): Leave the rest to me. I'll win this fight somehow for everyone's future...!!

Here is the tidbit, the last sentence, ive seen additional spoilers posted on this thread and not the summary and images pages stating very similar quotes as well

Emm idk too different versions.
Gotta need Redon I guess or panels.
This essentially confirms that Zoro's biggest moment is when he kills Kaido.
People always said Zoro's big moment will be him opening the scar or creating a new scar.

It simply isn't. Look at how early we got this scar stuff. The fight is nowhere near over.
We are still in Act III. We are still missing a Zoro named chapter.

It's becoming clearer and clearer as the chapters pass.
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