Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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tbh it kinda makes sense, since zoro and mihawk will probably fight for the WSS title, noone of them will try and show everything they got infront of eachother during the timeskip, that's the only explanation i can come up with for the asura thing.


Advanced CoC should be more than that, there are more powerful people so i doubt that Luffy this arc get all his power ups.
I think is just when you powerful enough you can use CoC in that way. Doffy will not able to use it that way even if he wanted.
I think from now on it's better to wait for redon full summary or the chapter itself because that leaker seems to interpret a lot and doesn't seem sure of anything . I will just keep the Luffy's hype and Zoro's CoC as reliable informations
Leaker own interpretation of what is and isn't adv coc and more is exhilarating.

Like does the leaker part of Oda editors or what?
Translation from Gizzy
Q : ゾロの阿修羅はどんな感じなんだ?今までの阿修羅技とは結構違う?
A : 居合いじゃないけど居合い技みたいに切る瞬間は描写なし 描かれるコマで自分がイメージしたのは体制を崩さない灯籠流し

Q : What Zoro's Ashura looks like? Is it any different from the previous Ashura techniques?
A : It seems like it's not quick draw stance since you don't see the moment of cutting like you do with normal quick draw stances.
居合い技 stance is looks like this.
I don't understand, so is it usual Asura or new one? How does it look and what's with stance? Can't he address by business?
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