Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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Wdym "overrated"? People like him for a lot of things not only because of his strength. Is that such a hard of concept?
I am not saying that everyone likes him for his strength. Heck I think he is pretty cool and symphatic too. But some people Expect him to be stronger than he really is. Actually a looot of people do and that is what I adress.
Kaidou is about to finish Zoro with his kanabou. Law launches to defend Zoro but Kaidou attacks both with his "Raimei Hakke" (Thunder of the Eight Trigrams) and leaves them very wounded.

Kaidou: "It's a shame ... If you had joined me, we would have dominated the world together ..."

So how strong are Zoro and Law?
He is taking about luffy, Kidd, law,. Killer and zoro . Wake up

also he didn’t exclude big mom pirates alliance so yeah
zoro fans when other characters do something totally unexpected of them(like zoro blocking hakai for sec, zoro scarring kaido): zoro goat , strongest,, hypee

zoro fans when luffy does something great and thats not even unexpected: bullshit writing, plot armor no mi, whatever the fuck they want

Hypocrisy at its best
what Zoro did was expected.
Luffy going from getting one shot to getting curbstomped to being able to fight Kaido 1v1 even for a moment just makes no sense at all.

"I understand now"... thats all it takes?
if thats not some major shit writing then idk.
2v1 or 3v1 vs Kaido with Law and/or Zoro is much better and way more believable.


The Road To Harmony
This would be true but, Zoro is not making Enma a black Blade on Wano.
Zoro desired to cut down the strongest creature which he already did.
He will avenge Yasu by cutting Orchis last head not Kaido's.
And the rest has no relation to Kaido.
Zoro didn’t cut down Kaido, that’s why he said he failed. Orochi wasn’t brought back just so he can be effortlessly cut by Zoro and the scabbards. I would also not rule out the black blades plotpoint occurring on Wano.
Honestly analysis of CoC and how it works for Zoro can go anywhere, I'm working with the headcanon that Zoro unlocked a focused version of CoC instead of the general unleashed fodder control, comparing it to CoO it would be like some people unlock the wild version that overloads their senses like Coby or Aisa but others can unlock a focused version like Usopp did in Dressrosa.
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