Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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If he didn't end in good terms why did he help him? If I see my enemy who is weakened I would just kill him instead of saving his ass so many times.
Kaido and Luffy can work together Vs WG

if CP0 capture Kaido in end of Wano ... we can see him another time

Kaido coming back for the final war is way more cool for me that ZKK ...

but anything is possible
Will BB have Adv CoC? I don't think so tbh. His main arsenal is his Devil fruits. I think underestimating Haki will result in his ultimate loss at the hands of Luffy. Having the strongest Devil fruits and even one DF power-sucking one will have made him too arrogant.
Far-fetched. Stealing your powers like how actual pirates plunder towns N loot ship cargo feels way more suitable for a Caribbean historical figure than having a DBZ Haki with flashy lightning.

Vegapunk tried to use Kaido's lineage factor to create a second Seiryu, clearly foreshadowing how hyped the unrevealed strongest Zoan is and our cowardly, yet ambitious fat hippo will eat it in one bite.

Triple Awakening :cheers:
@Red Admiral pointed out in a post in this thread that the shadows Kaido sees behind Luffy might all be of characters who could use this advanced CoC in this manner.

If so, Oden would count among those people, so eventually Zoro as well should be able to use it.

Maybe that's what Kaido saying Odens spirit is in Enma was about ? Because he had imbued Enma with his CoC in the past and not just with CoA ?

I think all of these elements could be used to give us the path of growth Zoro's going to take in the following arcs, and if so, he will first need to master the advanced CoC before he manages to surpass Oden.

This could also increase Oden's hype for him to be a legit top tier probably on Rayleigh's ( and Gabans :myman: ) level :goyea:
Oden > Dark King :kata:
Isn't really necessary. It mostly is just Adv CoA that's good enough to cut through Kaido. And Kaido saying that he's a CoC user can be because of Ashura, as I said before. This is the only logical explanation possible.

But still no black lightning from his blades like all other CoC attacks. Why should Zoro's attack be an exception? Luffy's attacks wouldn't have this much emphasis if Zoro just did that a page ago. The ashura attack isn't imbued in CoC. I personally think that's quite clear.
It looks very similar to Kaido Thunder Baguaing Luffy in which there was no lightning coming from the club either.

People consider that an application of AdCoC
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