Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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World's Strongest Swordsman
but is he a master of ad.CoC ? I doubt it

now that we know ad.CoC exist and it's a fucking strong power ... and we know Garp rivaled Roger and WB who both had this power

it only means ... Garp (just like Roger) not only have Ad.CoC ... he might took it to a whole other level

don't look down Garp man ... he is THE LEGDNARY MARINE

bet safely ...
And I'm betting on akainu. The strongest marine. The one who scarred luffy. You know as well as I do how scars connect people.


World's Strongest Swordsman
let’s be real Zoro using Haki or not was never relevant. Laws AP period wasnt close. L time

Yet lead a plan that almost cause one to die... Zoro boi cause moderate damage to 1 Yonko. Battle impact speaks for itself. But congrats.
Wtf are you on about.

Law and Kidd fans are full on desperate.

Neither did anything meaning full to kaido

One smiled a few chapters ago and his fans wet their pants
Sign of coc they said lmfao

And now you whose over the moon law did less damage than the scabbards did.

Zoros ap shits on laws from a great height. He just gave a massive scar whilst half dead.
"U was wrong years ago lol "
you still havent brought up the comment I said
also not sure why feats on the roof that happened after all these characters have grown negate comments on dressrossa
but whatever helps you cope with law being out of this kaido battle without doing much.
dnt worry you’ll see the quotes in the threads in 24 hrs u lying shit. Anyway Wait wait Hawkins & cheerleadering against doffy wasn’t growth to u 2 weeks ago clown. Why u completely flipping the Script
" Yet luffy was knocked out"
and is up again
your point. you think law is more durable?
luffy still shits on law.
Nope just another observation you’re wrong about. Now ur making new ones thinking u have credibility
Black lightning not mean always to use adv CoC stop pls this headcanon.
Kaido get hit manytimes by Luffy, when he ever said anything based on CoC?
Zoro cut ones Kaido, yet Kaido didn´t say anything about CoC.
You wanna tell me Zoro who awake barely CoC give Kaido enough fear to mentioned his CoC but Luffy who hurt Kaido multiple times never get stated by Kaido to using CoC? All of people Luffy who mastery CoC or even adv CoC?

Adv CoC doesn´t mean always to have BL, the BL could be a effect of both CoA+CoC.
In case Kaido fear Zoro even before he get slice with Ashura, he see him and directly try to attack him.
At the top he mentioned Zoro CoC because of his attack, with means=Adv CoC.
Or can you prove that Luffy who have mastery in CoC was ever stated by Kaido to use CoC in his attacks, I wait.

Only few characters getting this adv CoC, I assume guys like Garp,Mihawk,Shanks,BenBeckman,Rayleigh from current era.
Bro that's some basic comprehension. LITERALLY all the time Adv CoC was used there was black lightning. KAIDO WAS LITERALLY SHOCKED at the of the Chapter with Luffy using it.
The only time Luffy used CoC against KAIDO was when he was knocked out in the flower capital which KAIDO also mentioned.
KAIDO literally says only the strongest can use Adv CoC THIS CHAPTER after getting hit by Ashura which barely moved him.
The black lightning around Adv CoC use is not a headcanons is a literal fact of the manga.
Of course KAIDO would point out that Zoro used CoC why wouldn't he when it has always been a.big deal in One Piece?
You are just stating opinions I am stating manga facts there isn't a single panel in the manga where Black Lightning wasn't draw when Adv CoC was being used. Give me a break with delusional headcanons.
dnt worry you’ll see the quotes in the threads in 24 hrs u lying shit. Anyway Wait wait Hawkins & cheerleadering against doffy wasn’t growth to u 2 weeks ago clown. Why u completely flipping the Script
Nope just another observation you’re wrong about. Now ur making new ones thinking u have credibility
oh you mean me saying law didnt get stronger
in that regard he did get stronger

but he is now weaker than luffy kid and zoro
cheers to that.:steef:
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