argument is geeeting weakeer. sentences not complete.
Nope my arguments are good, otherwise you could debunk them with is not the case.
nah man moscato is alive, she just took his lifespan, as does to opera. we can assume opera is alive due to moscat also was. Big mom punch capone and chiffon, kill them tho? i address this in my previos reply. this argument is dead,you are running in circle. im not continuing this
Yes he try to kill them, literally pointed out in this panel:
Their where about the get killed, even Pez like Capone pointed out.
We have on panel where Big mom not give any fuck of killing people and her own childrens(with you dodge many times when I come with this argument) fear her to a point where they try to escape.
"big mom literally don"

. nah spoiler especially said children below certain age.
What the spoiler said?
Pls enlight me.
as I also said, "bullied" as in saying she dont like pudding's third eye. not really a bullying is it? I also said in previous reply she only cares at the surface level, like how she cares about diversity.
Pudding literally getting a flashback with Sanji loving her eyes while everyone else from the flashback bulling her for her eyes.
Yes that is actually bullying someone my friend.
thats implying she is gonna betray kaido afterall.
who said she wouldnt betray kaido in wano? my argument is as strong as yours in this.
Because she would still stay with nothing outside of having a second RP. Without any help she can try to face a another Yonkou? But for which price? To risk her crew getting killed off and she beeing major injuried? With Kaido together or with the elbaf army she could take the adv over the other yonkou.
And she throw it away for a kid? Where she was when Momo was about to get killed of by Kaido?