Current Events Luffy vs Kaido is a major asspull

Are you okay with how the Luffy vs Kaido fight is playing out?

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    Votes: 72 50.0%
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    Votes: 72 50.0%

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I understand that he's using Conqueror's Haki but how is he facing Kaido 1v1 so easily? This is what I hate most about shonen. Asspulls. And yes I know he's the main character but it's still annoying. I feel like Kaido doesn't feel as intimidating anymore if Luffy can just do this in his base form. If he was in his Snakeman form wrapped in Conqueror's Haki that's one thing, but base form and going toe to toe with a Yonko? I don't like that at all. This would essentially mean he's already PK level right? If he's doing this in base, then Boundman or Snakeman wrapped in COC would hypothetically be unbeatable.

Luffy vs Everyone is an asspull!A 19 year old is going to be Stronger than Roger,man!Forget about battles and power scaling!Enjoy the plot,humour,mysteries,nami fanservice,etc...!One Piece battles were great till the Rob Lucci fight(wich was also an asspull because luffy learned 2 gears in 1 night)!After haki was introduced everything became chaotic and confusing!


Zoro Worshipper
His G4 doesn't last much and Kaido is overall more nerfed than he is.

Also Kaido is probably much more durable than Luffy so in general I would still rather safely claim that Kaido is stronger than Luffy overall.

I can see Zoro probably returning to the battlefield after presumably recovering. I made a thorough case on that.

But I overall concur still.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower

I always come back to this quote because I think it’s very indicative of Oda’s current writing’s not enough for Luffy to realistically beat Kaido with punches, but apparently, the problem is solved by having Luffy beat Kaido with CoC-infused punches. To the layman (or an author that’s given up all pretense of caring whether or not he sticks the landing), this might be a discernible difference, but to everyone else, it’s effectively the same thing he claimed he was trying to avoid. Are CoC-heavy attacks a natural progression for Haki in the story? Sure. Is it fun to watch? Mildly so far, jury’s still out. Is it good writing? Based on the expectations the author himself set, absolutely not.
To be honest the thrill and sense of danger died with WCI, chapter 900 to be more specific. So I'm not disappointed by this fight cause I hadn't high expectations to begin with. Yet on the other hand I still believe in the 6 acts theory so imo now Luffy will eventually lose the fight/raid even if that will most likely cost him nothing (bar maybe a scabbard, Kinemon, or some other secondary character sacrifice).
Luffy came out of the TS with CoC at least half as good as Shanks and has only gotten stronger since then, the idea that the strength to knock out 50.000+ people manifested physically can put him in G4 strength while in base is something I'm willing to accept if he isn't as matched with Kaido as it seems, if Kaido goes down without showing more then it really is just crazy Roger tier territory but I don't think Kaido is getting knocked so easily despite how even they look now.
I'd be shocked if Luffy finishes him solo. Still banking on Zoro getting a killing blow on him or injuring him severely with Luffy as well. There needs to be a critical moment where Luffy is about to die and he escapes death than goes 100% on Kaido. Still pretty remarkable hes doing this in base though. Hes def Yonko level already.