Chapter 1012: Alliance

-It seems that Hawkins turns down Kaidou side, we can see Hawkins attacking the beast pirate and Killer said "I think you have clear your mind idiot"
-Yamato shows her devil fruit ability, it resembles an ancient tiger
-We can see Robin and Brook fighting against black maria, maria uses a curses ability would gamble or soul taker, but it doesn't affect brook
-Tama order beast pirate who has eaten kibi danggo
-Luffy and Kaidou still fighting on the rooftop, a massive CoC haki clashing
-Marine is at the Wano border, but their ship cannot enter because of the strong wind, the admiral is onboard is Kizaru and Ryokugyo, they are talking about how this country is dangerous to enter.
-Shanks, BB pirate also having a move, maybe these pirates also entering Wano
-No break