News ONE PIECE 7TH Characters Popularity Poll Announcement !!

Wrong. We learned the mid-term results only on February 20, a week before the end of the survey. When Nami was already dominating the poll. Her popularity exploded after chapter 995, where she said that Luffy would definitely become the Pirate King.
Not really that but there was a lot of campaigns last two week
Even beef between Luffy & Zoro fans etc.
If you look at points numbers you will see where swing votes come from
Lmao all the tears that Nami is more popular than insert-favorite-character here, so they have to try to insinuate that it’s only because of her body as opposed to her being a legitimately amazing character that was part of the only trip that actually matters in the story, the Original Trio. Keep crying that Nami is more important than your fave.
A scenario from Sanji’s dreams, maybe. Nami doesn’t give a damn, if she sees something she wants, she takes it.
I wish this was true honestly. The hard truth is that Nami post-TS is mostly used for fanservice and gags where she is coward like Usopp,and only 5% of her moments post-TS are about her being badass or 100% loyal to Luffy.
Are you counting Arthur's poll? because it all started with his poll XD
And on the second point, you're still wrong, if she would have been that popular since ch 995, she would have ended up 3rd on the first count XD
And she didn't she was after robin XD
I was a little wrong. Nami's popularity exploded after the chapter in which she struck Ulti with lightning. This chapter came out in early February. But we learned the average results only at the end of February. Mid-terms results were only for January
I was a little wrong. Nami's popularity exploded after the chapter in which she struck Ulti with lightning. This chapter came out in early February. But we learned the average results only at the end of February. Mid-terms results were only for January
btw, i do believe she deserves her 3rd place, dont take me wrong XDXD But i don't think it's definitive, the coincidences have bringed her this opportunity and i like it XD
Strike Yonko with lightning? I don't think my standards are low. Robin has never been and never will be so badass. And all the Straw Hats have armor.
That's Badass? using someone else's power? Robin doesn't have to do anything and she more badass than Nami. And that's putting the bar down low. You're confusing plot armor with the actual armor that she wore... did you forget?
That's Badass? using someone else's power? Robin doesn't have to do anything and she more badass than Nami. And that's putting the bar down low. You're confusing plot armor with the actual armor that she wore... did you forget?
She used her weather eggs to take control of Zeus and strike Big Mom with lightning. It was really cool. Robin just doesn't do anything, which is why many consider her useless, but not badass at all. Are you talking about the armor on the ship? There was only 1 frame with it lol. And what's so strange about that? Luffy was also wearing armor. And he looked badass. Just like Nami.