Many compelling arguments for Sanji to join Law's crew.
1) All Blue.
With law's submarine that can go tens of thousands feet below sea level, Sanji will have a much higher chance discovering all blue than with Sunny.
2) The No. 2 Guy
Sanji being the #3 guy for some time, and will most likely drop to #4 once Yamato joins. It's time for the dude to gtfo and be the Zoro of law's weak crew.
3) Health Concern
Sanji has known to have a severe case of epistaxis (nosebleed) on the SH ship. Diagnosis is not looking good for him. Especially once Yamato joins, his nosebleed issue is surely going to get worse. Law's crew are all dudes, so he won't have this health concern anymore.
Time for Sanji to hop off Sunny
1) All Blue.
With law's submarine that can go tens of thousands feet below sea level, Sanji will have a much higher chance discovering all blue than with Sunny.
2) The No. 2 Guy
Sanji being the #3 guy for some time, and will most likely drop to #4 once Yamato joins. It's time for the dude to gtfo and be the Zoro of law's weak crew.
3) Health Concern
Sanji has known to have a severe case of epistaxis (nosebleed) on the SH ship. Diagnosis is not looking good for him. Especially once Yamato joins, his nosebleed issue is surely going to get worse. Law's crew are all dudes, so he won't have this health concern anymore.
Time for Sanji to hop off Sunny