Who has the best Hybrid Form so far?

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Talent is something you make bloom.
- However, when the effect wears off, you will have twice as much pain as you have suffered.

@Doggo I think the double pain received won't include Hakai and Thunder Bagua, just the pain he receives after he consumes the medicine and fights King. It was just an error in translation.
Doesn't really makes sense to me.
BUt whatever.
Zoro became a OPM character. A parody. If Oda wants to paint the character as some generic isekai op clown character and the fans still enjoy it for some reason, who cares at this point?
Most of the SH's became mere caricatures of their former selves anyway.


You can't win
He saw Luffy in impel down,he escape during that time. Lose to one of BB top dogs and still go out because Magellan wasn't their to protect the prison.
Yes as stated, it's the only moment that could make sense.

However seeing how he was imprisoned 12years ago, that means that if he only got out 2years ago, then he had 10years of captivity

The time-line around the Gomu Gomu no MI up til the meeting with Jinbei is starting to get interesting
Well guess I got my answer. That means he'd be back to 100%, but only the time the medicine will be active, so the question now is how long is it active?

Interesting, then how did he escape? It was stated no one did outside of Shiki

The only other moment where he could have could be during the impel down event when Luffy came for Ace, with Blackbeard's trial to look for lvl6 prisoners with it pointed out that many dangerous criminals escaped

Guess it could also explain when Who's Who saw Jinbei. Both were in Impel down at that moment, but that mean they never directly fought each other
Read chapter 581
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