Wano is based on Japan, the country of the rising sun. One Piece is about the Dawn, the rising sun that defeats the darkness, nothing wrong about a lore about a Sun God.
When I heard Sun God two things came into my mind = Sun Wukong (Moneky God) and Son Goku.
Guess what I found about Sun Wukong in Wikipedia:
Sūn Wùkōng (Chinese 孫悟空 / 孙悟空, W.-G. Sun Wu-k'ung) is the king of monkeys in the classical Chinese novel Journey to the West. He is an ambivalent supernatural entity: "born as a stone egg from a rock, fertilized by the wind, created from the pure essences of the sky, the delicate fragrances of the earth, the power of the sun and the grace of the moon."
My conclusion:
Sun Wukong = Luffy
fertilizer by the wind= Dragon ( possible wind DF)
Pure essence of the sky = Luffys mother possible Celestial Dragon or ancient sky islander ?
Moon Sun sounds like dawn and wano.
Maybe Luffy was this fucking egg on Rogers Ship haha
What do you guys think?