Katakuri portrayal still increasing lol.
Same Jinbe who is a monster was portrayal as no match for Katakuri, he was legit scared against Kata. Dude really was something else. Hope King going be similar.
I don't understand overall the navy and Wg?
Sengoku hype Jinbe power, Cp0 even hype his power yet what they gave him? 438mio bounty, if WsW around Pero lvl, Jinbe legit mid diff someone with at least 600mio+ potential. Imagine Cp0, let say WsW has 600mio+ and the Cp0 know it, they still hype Jinbe over him. Why they gave Jinbe such a low bounty. That need really to get changed with a huge bounty upgrade for Jinbe.
Overall speaking of Jinbe, where would you guys place him between Marco,Jozu and Vista?