Current Events This is becoming too bullshit writing at this point



It was already bad when luffy was related and friend to all big names out there, roger-ace, garp-dragon, shanks and his crew, rayleigh. now he is the new roger, the new garp, the new joyboy, the new NIKA, THe new shanks, the destiny chosen one that even roger was too early and could only happen during luffy's time. oda's level of writing became bleach level. even Im has a straw hat in his vault rofl, oh yeah and his trash fruit became super important too.
Unfortunately , it's going out of the hand . And could mess the entire hardwork Oda have done all these years.
I know many and myself believe that Oda will never go that bad . Buy you can't satisfy everyone. Naruto , Bleach had really bad ending , let's hope that the remaining last big 3 won't go to that route.
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