[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 10 - Antagonists Vs Protagonists

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If you took an IQ test I'm fairly confident you would likely fail to correctly answer to even the 70% of the matrixes I would answer correctly.

This game isn't purely IQ based dummy, in-game crystallized intelligence counts a lot, just as verbal IQ which is not the same as spatio-visual and logical-mathematical. Not that the latter are not involved, but this game poorly links to IQ in some circumstances.
I am 100 times smarter than you, I have no doubt in that.
I know the lie detect is fake and soon everyone will too

The N1 WU does hint at freak having a role that could be FBI related though

We know flower has hinted at being freak so therefore I think fbi is not connected to lie detect.

It's all very convenient. But please don't assume fbi auto means lie detect because it doesn't. And you'll see the lie detect on me was fake soon enough
I thought you were hinting at being Freak?
Claiming is not allowed right now.
Still, if you hinted at being Freak and now you are saying Flower’s FBI ties in with her being Freak… that’s very odd.

But maybe I’m misunderstanding bc there’s no way you’d incriminate yourself so easily by suggesting someone else was Freak after hinting that you were Freak.


Zoro Worshipper
I am 100 times smarter than you, I have no doubt in that.
And I did not even start on strategizing.

That is not related to IQ tests for the most part. Strategizing is mostly about attempting to plot and skim into the future, a matter of visualization, IQ tests do not measure that. This is why high IQ people are not always creative.
I don’t want you to claim and get yourself modkilled, but I’d like some other people to check this out.

At the very least I expected you to say you never hinted at being Freak.


𝒞𝓇𝒾𝓂𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝑅𝒶𝒾𝓃 𝒮𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝐹𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇
But maybe I’m misunderstanding bc there’s no way you’d incriminate yourself so easily by suggesting someone else was Freak after hinting that you were Freak.
I think the only reason why we assumed the Cal was Freak, was because he hinted at being a tracker, but I have a feeling that he is someone else.
Still, if you hinted at being Freak and now you are saying Flower’s FBI ties in with her being Freak… that’s very odd.

But maybe I’m misunderstanding bc there’s no way you’d incriminate yourself so easily by suggesting someone else was Freak after hinting that you were Freak.
Show me where I hinted at being freak
I give up. I need to sleep now. It‘s how a Reg game is supposed to be played. And I am a former Reg HOST.

If you wanna tunnel me all day long instead of actually trying to game solve that‘s on you. You‘re disrupting Town. So don‘t be surprised if you are getting lynched for this.
So me going hard after Flower for being confident is apparently disrupting Town but claiming for no reason and burning a claim is apparently not bad for the game.

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