Title "Legendary Samurai"
* It starts with Zoro taking off the bandages, "I feel like I'm back before the fight."
* Sanji 'Diable Zamb' to Queen. "If you wake up, help me."
* Scene transition, Kaido vs Yamato
Yamato: From a long time ago, I saw Ryuma's potential. He is a 'legendary samurai'.
* Kaido: Do you want to say that there is a 'legendary samurai' who can cut me off? to Yamato.
* Once again live floor, 'no need to go' with Zoro. to Sanji.
* Injured Yamato falls to the live floor. Kaido jumps after him.
* Momonosuke, who has turned into a dragon, is heading to the live floor with Luffy on board.
* Closed next week
*I'm busy today, so I'll add a picture tomorrow and post it in more detail.