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Lead them to paradise.
Yes. This is a very desperate attempt Fuji.
Given that im not the leading wagon, its not.

You are not explaining why you survived the shot, or that we should believe she didnt shoot you.

Maybe you should claim bro.

Saying you didnt get shot isnt a defense at all.

And the forger wouldve tried to forge Typo or Mango or something, dont see the play of forging a random that wasnt the center of attention last phase.
I believe he got lucky to be honest, and is just an exe.

For starters he lied about being amnesiac, which was apparently to protect himself but its kind of a bs excuse tbh since town would waste time sending invests or stuff to check him or even a Vig that decides to shoot him( which would be horrible given that he's claiming to be Lo) thus losing two townies since Vig suicides the night after.

And i had no actual reason to reveal my info since i was already heavily townread, and i wanted to keep the thread moving. I saw him and others kinda sus Lind and since i got my inno result on him i was wondering if he could be GF, hence why i claimed it.

Or he could be Mafia pulling a weird suicidal move idk.
I will have to say your play does look towny and Borto's whispers also looked towny to me on day 1 which made me think you were scum who is really good at powerwolfing and I'm now conflicted on you.

Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓
Given that im not the leading wagon, its not.
You are the leading wagon. There's around at least 3 or 4 votes on you. You don't want to resolve the situation with Typo, who you should be voting for if you are town, because you know his flip will incriminate you even more. You don't want to see what happens with the Mayor thing. Instead you're here trying to fish for my role. There's nothing townie in your game.

You are not explaining why you survived the shot, or that we should believe she didnt shoot you.
I did not get shoot. It's as simple as that.

Maybe you should claim bro.
No I don't need to do that.

Saying you didnt get shot isnt a defense at all.
The thing is I didn't get shot. There isn't anything else there. I am not going to reveal any more info unnecessarily.

And the forger wouldve tried to forge Typo or Mango or something, dont see the play of forging a random that wasnt the center of attention last phase.
I know that Lemon was forged because she did not attack me.
Fuji takin Mel's DN seriously is a riot right now.

We know forgery exists so that doesn't say shit all, we can't even confirm Mel was a Vig.

Also the fact Mels DN is identical in style to sallu's pretty much screams fake.
1. Mafia will kill me and only change my last will/death note to prevent me on passing my information to town
Dump move
Meds can send a message while dead so
My only real issue is Bortolomeo's play up until he revealed did not strike me as someone who knew Fuji was scum. It just didn't feel like that. That's not a great reason to avoid resolving it, so we probably lynch Fuji today, but it makes me a little uneasy.
Ummmm I don’t get results telling me people are scum, I didn’t know he is lying until he actually lied? He said he visited lind out of the blue so
I didn’t” take my time”, that was like 20 minutes I guess because I genuinely wasn’t sure what to do As Fuji was “confirmed town” in the eyes of many people, asked Juliet In a whisper but she wasn’t around at that moment
Then I started thinking it will work just fine if I was lynched cuz it will be proven.
now, the real issue is you pointing it out this way I guess


Lead them to paradise.
You are the leading wagon. There's around at least 3 or 4 votes on you. You don't want to resolve the situation with Typo, who you should be voting for if you are town, because you know his flip will incriminate you even more. You don't want to see what happens with the Mayor thing. Instead you're here trying to fish for my role. There's nothing townie in your game.
Im still more into him being exe in which case pls Jail/Exe or shoot me and Rb tonight.

Then he can be killed at night.

Or we can Lynch him now.
Quit lying, im fine with Lynching him today but i thought people wanted to Lynch Lind or something.

And i didnt know i was leading because i havent kept up, i am fine with Lynching Typo right now.

But your defense of i didnt get shot, pls believe me is assinine.

We cant just believe your word for it.

Thats not how it works.

And asking you why you survived isnt fishing for your role, its a legitimate question.


Lead them to paradise.
Fuji takin Mel's DN seriously is a riot right now.

We know forgery exists so that doesn't say shit all, we can't even confirm Mel was a Vig.

Also the fact Mels DN is identical in style to sallu's pretty much screams fake.
Im taking it half and half, it could be false or true, but to completely disregard it is retarded in itself or is it not?

We can confirm Mel was a vig by having Juliet ask her tonight.


Lead them to paradise.
@krogothwolf putting words into my mouth, its normal to take everything into consideration.

Instead of what youre doing and its to completely believe the will is fake, are you mafia? Its the only way youd know for sure.

Or Light wanting us to take everything he says as gospell.

''I didnt get shot'' therefore believe me, what kinda nonsense is that.

Im fine with leaving that shit to tomorrow and info Juliet gets from the dead.
Im taking it half and half, it could be false or true, but to completely disregard it is retarded in itself or is it not?

We can confirm Mel was a vig by having Juliet ask her tonight.
Of course, but the fact both are in the same style makes this pretty interesting.

@krogothwolf putting words into my mouth, its normal to take everything into consideration.

Instead of what youre doing and its to completely believe the will is fake, are you mafia? Its the only way youd know for sure.

Or Light wanting us to take everything he says as gospell.

''I didnt get shot'' therefore believe me, what kinda nonsense is that.

Im fine with leaving that shit to tomorrow and info Juliet gets from the dead.
Yes but style and looking for a reason as to know why mel would shoot light outta all of us as he wasn't the biggest suspect, considering a vig commits suicide if picked wrong, vigs in ToS are generally very picky with their targets, blind firing vig can take out two townies, the target and themselves.

Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓
Quit lying, im fine with Lynching him today but i thought people wanted to Lynch Lind or something.
No one is lying. You're ostensibly fine with lynching him but didn't even place a vote on him lmao. Like if it you were truly town I don't see how you wouldn't want this whole thing to be resolved. And if you are town then you'd be voting out Typo the guy who is accursing you. Instead you are trying to steer from the two main things we have to resolve.

And i didnt know i was leading because i havent kept up, i am fine with Lynching Typo right now.
So why is your vote on me? What kind of play is that? Typo should be your number 1 suspect if you are town.

But your defense of i didnt get shot, pls believe me is assinine.
I already left a hint when I told you to figure it out.

We cant just believe your word for it.

Thats not how it works.

And asking you why you survived isnt fishing for your role, its a legitimate question.
It is absolutely fishing for my role and painting a target on my back. We know that there is a forger in the game. I told you that Lemon got forged. Because she did not attack me. I made sure to read all of the messages carefully from Zem now, since I missed it on the other day.


Lead them to paradise.
Of course, but the fact both are in the same style makes this pretty interesting.

Yes but style and looking for a reason as to know why mel would shoot light outta all of us as he wasn't the biggest suspect, considering a vig commits suicide if picked wrong, vigs in ToS are generally very picky with their targets, blind firing vig can take out two townies, the target and themselves.
Wills are usually writting formally with a few exceptions.

Lemme go check how they were written.

Actually Mel was questioning light about his wanting Van to be Jailed instead of Lynched, usually Mafia would wand to keep the SK alive so as they can rack up the body count for them.

Losing SK early on is a bad blow for Mafia so maybe she shot him cause she thought hes mafia and if he survived the hit he could be GF.


Lead them to paradise.
No one is lying. You're ostensibly fine with lynching him but didn't even place a vote on him lmao. Like if it you were truly town I don't see how you wouldn't want this whole thing to be resolved. And if you are town then you'd be voting out Typo the guy who is accursing you. Instead you are trying to steer from the two main things we have to resolve.

So why is your vote on me? What kind of play is that? Typo should be your number 1 suspect if you are town.

I already left a hint when I told you to figure it out.

It is absolutely fishing for my role and painting a target on my back. We know that there is a forger in the game. I told you that Lemon got forged. Because she did not attack me. I made sure to read all of the messages carefully from Zem now, since I missed it on the other day.
I left the day phase yesterday with my vote on Typo the entire time until it came down to the wire where it it was me or him and i voted Van because i didnt want to die and give him the win.

Its obvious hes not gonna get Lynched so why should i vote him again, i asked to be jailed tonight and exed, that way if he is Exe he doesnt win and he gets night killed.

Oh please, quit crying dude. I see Vig shooting someone and that person surviving and its normal to ask questions.
Wills are usually writting formally with a few exceptions.

Lemme go check how they were written.

Actually Mel was questioning light about his wanting Van to be Jailed instead of Lynched, usually Mafia would wand to keep the SK alive so as they can rack up the body count for them.

Losing SK early on is a bad blow for Mafia so maybe she shot him cause she thought hes mafia and if he survived the hit he could be GF.
Wills are written how every players like to, ask people about my wills, right @Flower @Lindltaylor, my LW's are always long ass shit with random rants and crap with what I did in decent detail, it helps with this kinda crap.

Questioning doesn't make one want to shoot them due to the side effect of ya know, committing suicide. It's questionable to shoot so blindly as a vig because of that. Honestly don't see Mel shooting on that account.

You though? I don't know on. Part of me feels you're a bit scummy, part of me feels you're still learning ToS shit so making basic mistakes and coming off as a town because of that, sure they could be slips but they come off as more of not knowing the roles then actually being slips.

I dunno about borto/typo still :/ stupid liars.
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