[FNZ] Role Madness [Season 2] Round 10 - Antagonists Vs Protagonists

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I will never forgive Oda
The Flower shit fucked me up for a bit and really think people refused to look away from that when in reality I only tunneled her in D3. I knew we were getting BIG BRAiNED somewhere in this game but I just didn't know where.
I legit joined you cause flowa was undeniably the scummiest player for a period of the game. That was definitely a bad angle though since everyone doubted you after that


When were you under the impression this game is..
The Flower shit fucked me up for a bit and really think people refused to look away from that when in reality I only tunneled her in D3. I knew we were getting BIG BRAiNED somewhere in this game but I just didn't know where.
You just need to understand Flowa language, i can.

Ill let you know if shes scum lmao.

There is a reason she offs me early when shes scum.
Town actually had 3 claims . @Flower role was design to announce her claim without counted but she lost her composer with simple silence trigger and ended up revealing her identity
Escanor :
You are Escanor also known as Lip Cap and the member of Town .

Odd Night :
Every odd night you work as a bartender , serve drink to your target and learn their WU name.

Even Night :

Beginning with the rising of the Sun at dawn Escanor begins to make a dramatic change, both physically and mentally.

Crule Sun :
Create minature sun and send at your target , they will lose a life.

Who decided that ? (Passive 1 shot)
‘My mighty attacks can not reach thee? And who decided that? My blazing sun was swallowed up by a speck of darkness? And who decided that?
The only one who gets to decide such things is me!’
If your ability fails tonight , you will get another chance to perform it

Pride Flare : (1 shot)
Escanor uses this to detonate Cruel Sun, resulting in a big explosion that was hot enough to melt an entire lake in a blink of an eye.
Tonight deal 1 damage to your target , next night it will explode and will deal one more damage.

The One (One shot) : Unlock it at night 3
During noon, when his power is at its peak, for one minute he becomes the manifestation of power itself and his body dwarfs normal people.

In this form, he is said to be invincible. You will be immune to roleblock, the attack will pypass defense and will done 1 damage to target.

When you fight in your own terrain , you can use day ability as one shot at day

Sacred Treasure Rhitta (one shot) :

Rhitta is able to absorb the immense heat and energy Escanor emits during the daytime, granting him better control and allowing him to release them in concentrated bursts to destroy the target .

Call your divine weapon to deal 1 damage to your target at day phase

Hidden Passive : Majestic Magic Sunshine :

His inherent power was called Sunshine, which made him renowned for gaining immense power during the day. if someone try to copy or steal your abilitie, they will be burn to ashes

Lion sign of pride (passive) : I have no reason to feel hatred towards those beneath me. All I feel towards them is pity. First person who will vote for you , their vote on you will wont count.

You have 3 lives.

Hidden Triggers

If other players trigger some specific words Escanor's ego will hurt and they will have to face consequences . Each trigger will work one time only.

1. Quite : Calmness is the hallmark of those who are mighty - They will be silenced for remaining day phase but they still can vote.

2. Hint : Hooo, what’s wrong? ..Perhaps you dropped a coin or something? - They will have to say Sorry after in every post.

3. Wagon : I have to admit it, you are indeed strong, that’s if you’re not counting me.- Their vote wont count
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