This episode had a lot of positives, but also had some short falls.
Firstly, there was a nice sense of scale from the storyboard, and the animation was really nice for the most part. There was a lot of really nice movement this episode. The storyboard did a good job of giving a sense of positionality and perspective. In that sense, the episode was pretty consistently good.
However, it felt very constrained in a lot of ways as well in terms of the action. The pacing and direction in some scenes definitely didn't land as well as they could have. For example, the ending for the episode felt a little anti climatic, and wasn't as punchy as it could have been. The actual build up to it was great, but the impact itself left a little to be desired.
Its also noticeable that the animation supervisors on this episode were still coming to grips with some One Piece character designs. Everything moved pretty well, but some characters like Queen were drawn in ways where they head just became neck, which was amusing, but I could understand why some people would find that off putting.
Overall, a very solid episode. Lots of a cool action, but a bit iffy pacing wise in ways that really hurt a few scenes.