Rules Kingdom General Discussion


Lazy is the way
Arc 10: Completed.
Not much to say here. Calm before the storm and Ten finally joining Shin's ranks as a strategist. Cool.

Arc 11: Completed.

This will be a very rough/chaotic review so if you are lost somewhere just ask me to expand on it.

The Coalition War Arc. I don't know where to start to be honest. First and foremost. It's the best Kingdom arc and reading experience since I've picked up this amazing series.

Even before on-screen confirmation with words I knew it was way too calm for Zhao and Qin to just slowly expand their territories in an attempt to broaden their reach in China. Finally some more spotlight on the "Super State" of Chu. Shunshinkun is lowkey funny. It's like you mix Shouheikun with Riboku with a small addition of built within him rage. At times I was wondering how the hell he operates as Chu's version of Shouheikun with his hot-blooded personality. But I guess this is more about him showing off more emotions. Not everyone is a cold-blooded pretty face mastermind like Riboku. + the fact that Riboku personally put his trust in him must mean this guy is not some random angry strategist.

Mangoku vs Shin fight was amazing with all the emotional background and stuff to improve Shin's POV on the world although I must say that I have a very strong feeling that this fight was nothing more than a cheap version of the Rinko fight ( which was fantastic, one of the best ever for me ). I really didn't care about Mangoku that much xD. I don't mind the author for this choice. Shin needed his spotlight in this arc but he knew that there are more important players in this war and they will be highlighted more often.

Moubu, Moubu, Moubu...

I wasn't sold on his character early on. I thought of him as a cocky douche bull. But in this arc, he became one of my favorite characters so easily and so quickly. Not in my personal top 3 yet but he is knocking on the doors.

His fight against Kanmei was fantastic. The competition for the title of the "Strongest Man in China" might look like some ape shit for a lot of readers but it was way more than that.

There are two types of Generals during the war ( well unless you get Kanmei vs Moubu of course ). The intelligence type and the brute force type. The first lead his people to victory thru schemes, strategy, and fast forward thinking in general. The other is a man who puts the trust of his soldiers on his back and runs thru the enemy forces shining his back brighter and brighter to motivate each and every single one of them to put their lives on the line for the sake of their Kingdom. Moubu did just that. When he was supposed "out" after his first exchange with Kanmei his soldiers started to slowly lose the fire ignited in them only until their General stood back up and shown to the entire state of Chu and Qin who is the Strongest Man in all of China. Mouten interference was a really nice father/son moment. People like Moubu don't strike you as a fatherly type but his words about Mouten not dying like a bitch since he is his son is way more precious than your dad casually hugging and comforting you. This was Moubu's way to show his love for Mouten. Very nice catch. Moubu really grew since the Bayou Campaign. Don't know how many people think about it this way but I would say that Ouki's death was a very heavy hit to him despite them not being related and just being Generals of the same country. Moubu grew a lot both as a person and fighter since his death. He even shows signs of growth in terms of tactics ( thanks to Shouheikun motivational speech ) and etc. I wonder if he feels responsible to win as Qin's General because of Ouki's death. There is one moment I was missing during this war although It couldn't happen since Shin wasn't under him and Ouki's Glaive was left somewhere. I was looking for a moment where Shin tries to use Ouki's glaive but notices it's still too early for him and Moubu approaches him and asks him to lend him Ouki's treasure for the time being.

Ousen. One of the most mysterious characters right after Riboku and Shouheikun in my books. All you know about him is that he wants to be King, he is from Ou clan and he is a strategist but I think there is much more to it. The thing I want the most is to see him without the mask. However bad it sounds. I need to see his facials expressions. This motherfuckers is calm and composes like 100% of the time.
Also, he seems to be one hell of a troll as a tactician. Whenever he screwed Ordo it was like: Lol he fell into my trap, lol again and lol again. I was laughing hard at Ordo getting fucked by Ousen's tactics. It was beyond disrespectful from Ousen and he didn't even know he is disrespectful. The way he got rid of the mountain people was impressive.


Kanki hit my top 3 this arc. The dude is just insane. Choutou spends his last days as a general, disrespecting Kanki and the way he behaves only to get proven wrong by Kanki time and time again. The way he got rid of the siege tower is one of the highlights of this arc for me. Then what he did down the tower going thru the enemy forces with their flags to look like their forces since they were busy shooting the Kankou Pass gates with arrows. This man is just insane. Mougu really got two diamonds under him. Kanki the beheader doing some 200iq tactics was fucking insane for me. His personality overall I like it. The beheading part is more so to make him look dangerous which he is despite the fact of beheading his enemies. ( When it comes to this whole beheading it's subjective. I don't think this is necessary but if you look at it from an opposing force standpoint. He is doing what must be done to avoid people going to ask for help or even take revenge in the future ).

Ngl. When I saw the Generals that were picked to defend Qin my first thought was: Oh, so Choutou and Mougu are the sacrificial lambs for the sake of this arc. I was right in 50%. The death I didn't expect came later on...

Duke Hyou. Man, this guy is as intense as one old mofo can get. His moments with Shin were so amazing to me and later when I found out that Duke Hyou smiled a lot, thanks to Shin and that he treated this like a father/son relationship really got me. I was wondering why his role was reduced to just advancing his armies forward during this war until I got my answer. I will include another character here because it's important to what I want to say. There is the introduction of Karin, the female giant woman general. Cool. Female General who is strong herself, her tactics aren't too bad and she has the strongest force in the Chu apparently. I couldn't care less about her tbh. Don't know what people think but her tactics with 5k of her men moving around the battlefield unnoticed to strike the Kankou Pass gates from the rear was cool and all but I think that Duke Hyou's feat is way more impressive. He was also in the fighting when he noticed the plan that Riboku had all along and went on in an attempt to stop him and his forces from advancing forward in the direction where King Ei Sei and the majority of the civilians are. This was way more impressive than Karin's rear attack tactic which was funnily enough intercepted by Ousen. She didn't actually think she can outsmart fucking Ousen didn't she?

I knew Houken will be a trump card in case Coalition fails. But I really didn't believe him to show up this late and only with Riboku leading him. My first thought was that Riboku will use him when Qin will gain the advantage and their morale would go up and later when the fight goes on and on Houken would make his move to slay Ei Sei and the people of Qin much to the shock of Qin forces battling at the Kankou pass. Lowkey, it was a plot armor here for Ei Sei xD.

Duke put up a good fight but he was nowhere near defeating Houken. His performance was the worst out of all the big people Houken fought. But I don't blame Duke Hyou for that. You are not running into someone like fucking Houken on daily basis, right?

Shin vs Houken is something I was waiting for since Bayou but I was fucking afraid it was too early. Dude, I couldn't be more wrong with that. Sometimes I'm forgetting that time passes in this manga and Shin is not a kid anymore. The way Shin could oppose Houken was hella impressive. He found openings and managed to cut and stab Houken. The martial arts of Qin going strong:finally:

I think they will have their final encounter once Shin grows some more and Qin decided to finally invade Zhao.

Yo Tan Wa:finally: Finally, the best woman in this show has shown up. I was hoping for her arrival to beat the fuck out of Karin but I will wait some more. This will happen. Her arrival was like Gandalf arriving with Rohirims in Two Towers. Fucking GOATED shit.
The shock on Riboku's face when he realizes he didn't calculate every possibility. I know he will grow from this moment but it really got me questioning why he forgets about such reinforcements. Yo Tan Wa army should be around 100k now or something right?

and bro... This fucking moment:
Only Queen Yo Tan Wa can get Kings to do it:

I'm very conflicted about Riboku. Didn't see that at first but doesn't he look like he is not confident in his skills? I swear, his tactics are fucking top tier, outsmarting him is one hell of a fucking feat, only performed by Ouki and Duke ( + maybe Shouheikun but this is up to debate since I think every one of Shouheikun's intelligence would do things that he did ) up to this point yet I get a wrong vibe from him. He sits there observes the battlefield, advances his forces, sends out actions and orders. He is doing well but his facial expressions and his internal thoughts make me wonder if he is not believing in himself as he should. I want to see his backstory. How he came to power, moved up the ranks, and become the man he is.

Bold prediction. He couldn't prove himself as a soldier and move up the ranks using his power and skills that weren't enough ( Shin's words about Riboku being on the battlefield many times ) and his career as a strategist was due to his love for the art of battle but he still doesn't feel like fulfilled person since he always wanted to fight right then and there and not lead the forces as he does now. Very complicated internal struggle because he would love to be someone like Ouki or Moubu but he can't due to his disadvantages.

Sorry for not expanding on the army officers from other countries but they didn't get my attention that much. This poison dude was annoying and he did nothing aside from slaying Choutou. I really blame Ouhon for not taking out that Archer woman.

There was also this guy with one of the two named after their creators swords. I guess him and that archer woman are Chu's answer to the promising youth of Qin in Ouhon, Mouten and Shin. Btw. Ouhon ranking up gets me annoyed each time. Shin does so much shit and Ouhon is always the same rank xD.

Three more:finally::finally::finally:

Bold or not. This arc was 10/10 for me. The best arc I've read since I started my Kingdom journey.

Nothing on Tou ? :josad:

Mangoku fight was nice and his half dead army dope, but obviously Rinko fight is top 1
Arc 10: Completed.
Not much to say here. Calm before the storm and Ten finally joining Shin's ranks as a strategist. Cool.

Arc 11: Completed.

This will be a very rough/chaotic review so if you are lost somewhere just ask me to expand on it.

The Coalition War Arc. I don't know where to start to be honest. First and foremost. It's the best Kingdom arc and reading experience since I've picked up this amazing series.

Even before on-screen confirmation with words I knew it was way too calm for Zhao and Qin to just slowly expand their territories in an attempt to broaden their reach in China. Finally some more spotlight on the "Super State" of Chu. Shunshinkun is lowkey funny. It's like you mix Shouheikun with Riboku with a small addition of built within him rage. At times I was wondering how the hell he operates as Chu's version of Shouheikun with his hot-blooded personality. But I guess this is more about him showing off more emotions. Not everyone is a cold-blooded pretty face mastermind like Riboku. + the fact that Riboku personally put his trust in him must mean this guy is not some random angry strategist.

Mangoku vs Shin fight was amazing with all the emotional background and stuff to improve Shin's POV on the world although I must say that I have a very strong feeling that this fight was nothing more than a cheap version of the Rinko fight ( which was fantastic, one of the best ever for me ). I really didn't care about Mangoku that much xD. I don't mind the author for this choice. Shin needed his spotlight in this arc but he knew that there are more important players in this war and they will be highlighted more often.

Moubu, Moubu, Moubu...

I wasn't sold on his character early on. I thought of him as a cocky douche bull. But in this arc, he became one of my favorite characters so easily and so quickly. Not in my personal top 3 yet but he is knocking on the doors.

His fight against Kanmei was fantastic. The competition for the title of the "Strongest Man in China" might look like some ape shit for a lot of readers but it was way more than that.

There are two types of Generals during the war ( well unless you get Kanmei vs Moubu of course ). The intelligence type and the brute force type. The first lead his people to victory thru schemes, strategy, and fast forward thinking in general. The other is a man who puts the trust of his soldiers on his back and runs thru the enemy forces shining his back brighter and brighter to motivate each and every single one of them to put their lives on the line for the sake of their Kingdom. Moubu did just that. When he was supposed "out" after his first exchange with Kanmei his soldiers started to slowly lose the fire ignited in them only until their General stood back up and shown to the entire state of Chu and Qin who is the Strongest Man in all of China. Mouten interference was a really nice father/son moment. People like Moubu don't strike you as a fatherly type but his words about Mouten not dying like a bitch since he is his son is way more precious than your dad casually hugging and comforting you. This was Moubu's way to show his love for Mouten. Very nice catch. Moubu really grew since the Bayou Campaign. Don't know how many people think about it this way but I would say that Ouki's death was a very heavy hit to him despite them not being related and just being Generals of the same country. Moubu grew a lot both as a person and fighter since his death. He even shows signs of growth in terms of tactics ( thanks to Shouheikun motivational speech ) and etc. I wonder if he feels responsible to win as Qin's General because of Ouki's death. There is one moment I was missing during this war although It couldn't happen since Shin wasn't under him and Ouki's Glaive was left somewhere. I was looking for a moment where Shin tries to use Ouki's glaive but notices it's still too early for him and Moubu approaches him and asks him to lend him Ouki's treasure for the time being.

Ousen. One of the most mysterious characters right after Riboku and Shouheikun in my books. All you know about him is that he wants to be King, he is from Ou clan and he is a strategist but I think there is much more to it. The thing I want the most is to see him without the mask. However bad it sounds. I need to see his facials expressions. This motherfuckers is calm and composes like 100% of the time.
Also, he seems to be one hell of a troll as a tactician. Whenever he screwed Ordo it was like: Lol he fell into my trap, lol again and lol again. I was laughing hard at Ordo getting fucked by Ousen's tactics. It was beyond disrespectful from Ousen and he didn't even know he is disrespectful. The way he got rid of the mountain people was impressive.


Kanki hit my top 3 this arc. The dude is just insane. Choutou spends his last days as a general, disrespecting Kanki and the way he behaves only to get proven wrong by Kanki time and time again. The way he got rid of the siege tower is one of the highlights of this arc for me. Then what he did down the tower going thru the enemy forces with their flags to look like their forces since they were busy shooting the Kankou Pass gates with arrows. This man is just insane. Mougu really got two diamonds under him. Kanki the beheader doing some 200iq tactics was fucking insane for me. His personality overall I like it. The beheading part is more so to make him look dangerous which he is despite the fact of beheading his enemies. ( When it comes to this whole beheading it's subjective. I don't think this is necessary but if you look at it from an opposing force standpoint. He is doing what must be done to avoid people going to ask for help or even take revenge in the future ).

Ngl. When I saw the Generals that were picked to defend Qin my first thought was: Oh, so Choutou and Mougu are the sacrificial lambs for the sake of this arc. I was right in 50%. The death I didn't expect came later on...

Duke Hyou. Man, this guy is as intense as one old mofo can get. His moments with Shin were so amazing to me and later when I found out that Duke Hyou smiled a lot, thanks to Shin and that he treated this like a father/son relationship really got me. I was wondering why his role was reduced to just advancing his armies forward during this war until I got my answer. I will include another character here because it's important to what I want to say. There is the introduction of Karin, the female giant woman general. Cool. Female General who is strong herself, her tactics aren't too bad and she has the strongest force in the Chu apparently. I couldn't care less about her tbh. Don't know what people think but her tactics with 5k of her men moving around the battlefield unnoticed to strike the Kankou Pass gates from the rear was cool and all but I think that Duke Hyou's feat is way more impressive. He was also in the fighting when he noticed the plan that Riboku had all along and went on in an attempt to stop him and his forces from advancing forward in the direction where King Ei Sei and the majority of the civilians are. This was way more impressive than Karin's rear attack tactic which was funnily enough intercepted by Ousen. She didn't actually think she can outsmart fucking Ousen didn't she?

I knew Houken will be a trump card in case Coalition fails. But I really didn't believe him to show up this late and only with Riboku leading him. My first thought was that Riboku will use him when Qin will gain the advantage and their morale would go up and later when the fight goes on and on Houken would make his move to slay Ei Sei and the people of Qin much to the shock of Qin forces battling at the Kankou pass. Lowkey, it was a plot armor here for Ei Sei xD.

Duke put up a good fight but he was nowhere near defeating Houken. His performance was the worst out of all the big people Houken fought. But I don't blame Duke Hyou for that. You are not running into someone like fucking Houken on daily basis, right?

Shin vs Houken is something I was waiting for since Bayou but I was fucking afraid it was too early. Dude, I couldn't be more wrong with that. Sometimes I'm forgetting that time passes in this manga and Shin is not a kid anymore. The way Shin could oppose Houken was hella impressive. He found openings and managed to cut and stab Houken. The martial arts of Qin going strong:finally:

I think they will have their final encounter once Shin grows some more and Qin decided to finally invade Zhao.

Yo Tan Wa:finally: Finally, the best woman in this show has shown up. I was hoping for her arrival to beat the fuck out of Karin but I will wait some more. This will happen. Her arrival was like Gandalf arriving with Rohirims in Two Towers. Fucking GOATED shit.
The shock on Riboku's face when he realizes he didn't calculate every possibility. I know he will grow from this moment but it really got me questioning why he forgets about such reinforcements. Yo Tan Wa army should be around 100k now or something right?

and bro... This fucking moment:
Only Queen Yo Tan Wa can get Kings to do it:

I'm very conflicted about Riboku. Didn't see that at first but doesn't he look like he is not confident in his skills? I swear, his tactics are fucking top tier, outsmarting him is one hell of a fucking feat, only performed by Ouki and Duke ( + maybe Shouheikun but this is up to debate since I think every one of Shouheikun's intelligence would do things that he did ) up to this point yet I get a wrong vibe from him. He sits there observes the battlefield, advances his forces, sends out actions and orders. He is doing well but his facial expressions and his internal thoughts make me wonder if he is not believing in himself as he should. I want to see his backstory. How he came to power, moved up the ranks, and become the man he is.

Bold prediction. He couldn't prove himself as a soldier and move up the ranks using his power and skills that weren't enough ( Shin's words about Riboku being on the battlefield many times ) and his career as a strategist was due to his love for the art of battle but he still doesn't feel like fulfilled person since he always wanted to fight right then and there and not lead the forces as he does now. Very complicated internal struggle because he would love to be someone like Ouki or Moubu but he can't due to his disadvantages.

Sorry for not expanding on the army officers from other countries but they didn't get my attention that much. This poison dude was annoying and he did nothing aside from slaying Choutou. I really blame Ouhon for not taking out that Archer woman.

There was also this guy with one of the two named after their creators swords. I guess him and that archer woman are Chu's answer to the promising youth of Qin in Ouhon, Mouten and Shin. Btw. Ouhon ranking up gets me annoyed each time. Shin does so much shit and Ouhon is always the same rank xD.

Three more:finally::finally::finally:

Bold or not. This arc was 10/10 for me. The best arc I've read since I started my Kingdom journey.

Agree with most of your points. Great analysis of the characters and fights.
About Ouhon, I hated his guts at the beginning but he's actually a very likable guy.
I hope he will change your mind.

Formerly Seth

Nothing on Tou ? :josad:

Mangoku fight was nice and his half dead army dope, but obviously Rinko fight is top 1
This is why I said at the beginning to bring up if I forget something. We even talked about Tou.

Tou was amazing but he has a pretty laid-back role in this war. He was a powerhouse that no one could touch in this war.

The only thing I dislike is that he didn't kill that cocky brat with that named sword. Tou wasn't even half serious.

Agree with most of your points. Great analysis of the characters and fights.
About Ouhon, I hated his guts at the beginning but he's actually a very likable guy.
I hope he will change your mind.
I'm open to this. He needs more feats and development. I don't like his rank-ups. He literally has no significant feats and gets promoted back to Shin's rank whenever Shin gets a new rank.

Formerly Seth

As always if I forget something that u cared about this arc just quote and ask me. Sometimes I'm forgetting stuff until I get reminded about it:milaugh:

Arc 12 Completed:

Kyoukai's Revenge Arc was a fantastic way to finish off Kyouka's main goal in the series so the story won't suffer from it and now Kyoukai can focus on her new dreams. Such as becoming a Great General and bearer of Shin's child:milaugh:

At first, I was wondering if we will get interim chapters during Coalition War Arc. Few chapters of Coalition War and few chapters of Kyoukai's mission to avenge her sister. But now looking at it I'm actually glad that Hara separated them.

Kyoukai's Revenge was a short and smooth arc and it didn't take away precious time from a Campaign arc.

She fulfilled her promise to the fullest and avenged her sister. It was nice to see that there were actually a lot more of the Shiyuu Clan members ( well until she freaking rekt them all ). I really liked Kyoukai's internal struggle. She felt all the pressure from her mission to her duties as a Hi Shin Unit member and I'm amazed by the fact that the thought of moving her journey forward with Shin was a driving force for her to finish off Yuuren who was driven by the stupid rules of the Shiyuu Clan with no regards about one's life whatsoever. I also like the fact that Kyoukai wants to prevent the next generation of Kyou clan members from falling into the same short end as she did with her sister. Although I'm afraid that this is not over yet since Yuuren confirmed the existence of the "Elders" from the Shiyuu Clan. I think the next stepping stone for Kyoukai's "Shiyuu plot" will be an encounter with other Shiyuu Clan members in a Campaign or something where she would finally put end to this horrible clan.

Kyoukai is finally freed from her shackles of "revenge" and she can move forward together with the Hi Shin Unit which she finally acknowledged as her home and family.

Arc 13 Completed:

Coinspiracy in the Court Arc.

Riboku and Shunshinkun were banished from their states for their failures during the Coalition war. Lmao. Was a funny panel to see Riboku enjoying casual work.

It was a nice refresher in between Campaigns. We finally moved the plot of Ei Sei and Ryo Fui factions fighting for supremacy in the court. Ryo Fui once again proves that he is the best villain in this series. His plotting and scheming were shown in full capacity. From playing a dumb politic to strategic evil master. He also acknowledged that Ei Sei is growing and power and he must make his moves. His plan with killing Ei Sei once he leads the charge to the war was good but I think he grew a little too confident and he made a harsh decision. The plan overall was good. Ryo Fui arranged a small Zhao invasion. No General can actually be called to go and save Rui and the city of Tonryuu although he didn't consider one thing. The relationship between Rui and Seikyou. Seikyou took the responsibility for leading the army to aid Tonryuu due to fast forward-thinking. He knew Ryo Fui is scheming something and took the mission on himself to lead the army and help the city of Tonryuu. Ho Kaku the man that was working under Ryo Fui started a rebellion inside Tonryuu alongside his general.

Ei Sei wasn't dumb enough to let Seikyou move there alone so he called up for Heki and Shin with their unit although they still had to make it in time.

I wasn't that much interested from that point onward. Shin came with Heki and they started to save the city. They couldn't make it in time to save Seikyou who decided to fight so he can buy time for Rui to run. The final conversation between them was a nice addition to the arc. Seikyou still disliked the fact that Shin is a lowly born person but he acknowledged his strength and struggle and ordered him to become something more than Ei's sword. He told him to become both his shield and sword. Shin was promoted to 4k commander with 2 more to go.

Arc 14 Completed:

Fire Dragons of Wei Arc.

The introduction of the 7 Fire Dragons of Wei was both amazing and disappointing at the same time for me. I think Hara went berserk with this one. Yo, sup these are 7 Mofos that could oppose Qin's Six Greats. 1 not interested in the in-fighting. 3 vs 3. One raged as all hell went berserk and killed the other 3.

Like okay. Earl Shi's backstory as well as his skill and efficiency with the spear was amazing but for God's sake. Sometime's the weight of the Great Generals is really harmed by some of Hara's decisions. It struck me the 2 times before this arc. 1st time was when Ouki didn't kill Houken on their first encounter. Dude that man was literally dead and all Ouki had to do is deal the final blow. I do not fucking believe Ouki was sure that Houken was slain after a slash that didn't cut him in half or cut of his head or something. The 2nd time was when Kan Mei appeared during the Coalition War Arc and was revealed to be the one who literally fucked Oukotsu on their first exchange and made him run away as a dog and Qin had to fucking hide this fact from the soldiers all over Qin.

I wouldn't have that many problems with this if Hara didn't put so much effort into making us believe that Great General is a literal boss on the battlefield that you can't take down without another boss at least.

@Luffy is the mc didn't take too long for me to start and appreciate Ouhon's character a little more. His role during this arc was superb and I was amazed whenever he shows off on the battlefield. When I fucking read about Earl Shi being the greatest spear of Wei I was like Fuck yeah Spear duel and holy shit did that fight deliver. Earl Shi was like an immovable object and a roadblock that Ouhon couldn't get past through even after all these years of hard work and dedication to the craft of spear art. Earl Shi outshined every Fire Dragon either those from the past or the current ones alive so I know that Ouhon's achievement will be one hell of a thing.

What I didn't expect is to see Ousen in the flashback. That panel of Ousen correcting his form and telling him how to do it with the spear was something so unexpected that I literally had to reread this sequence like 2-3 times to get my head to accept that it was fucking Ousen. The soulless, expressionless dude who seems to only care about becoming a King.

Also, Ouhon's brilliance as a strategist was fucking amazing. His tactic to attack Wei from the sidelines as long as proposing to back down from asking Ousen's forces for help was 200 IQ play. If they asked for Ousen's forces then Zhao could make their move and claim some of the important piece puzzles in form of next cities and later close up on their army that was currently fighting Wei forces.

It seems that Ouhon feels the burden to prove himself as a Ou Clan member but this is good. Not everyone needs his papi or uncle to die.

Shin vs Gaimou was interesting and I was hoping for Shin to slay him so he doesn't fall behind Ouhon in terms of achievements during this fight but I was really surprised about Shin's attitude. He really changed. Gaimou wasn't a slouch but that line from Shin about Gaimou not being a worthy opponent was so fucking strong especially with the inclusion of Ouki's flashback in it. It wasn't like Gaimou wasn't strong enough or competent. Shin may even struggle a little due to Gaimou's advantage with raw power and shit but the decision to leave Gaimou cuz he wasn't worth time by Shin was hella fucking impressive and I love it. Even tho he will still be a hot-blooded freak he is showing the signs of intellect worthy that of a General.

Ouhon, Kyoukai, and that former deputy of Ouki ( I apologize I forgot his name, even Hara forgot that he was supposed to be there with Ouhon ). They managed to close up on Gohoumei's HQ but they were a little too late since Gohoumei realized the plan they were executing all along. So he and Reiou ( another one of Wei's Dragons aKa GG's ) decided to take their leave only to be attacked by Shin from behind.

Shin being Shin didn't pay attention to who is who and one-shotted a Great General Reiou just like that:milaugh: There is my achievement for Shin so he doesn't fall behind Ouhon. Suck that Gaimou! Gohoumei used that opportunity and distraction of Shin to run away and withdraw Wei's forces.

Qin acquired a very beneficial tactically spot in form of Chouyou territory that allows Qin to move forward in their conquest of all of China.

Now. @RayanOO would kill me if I forgot about the GOAT Tou himself. Tou has a really strong position in Hara's books in my opinion.

He leads armies to victory here again yet he wasn't the main star again. Sort of like Mougou having Kanki and Ousen under him. Tou had Shin and Ouhon due to his personal request.

I really can't say what is on Hara's mind with Tou's character but I expect him to be a super important character later on. He was literally said to be the best General that Qin posses currently and it wasn't a false statement by any means.

I think his star arc is yet to come and he will prove himself to all of China and I really really want to see a serious Tou. My dream finale for Tou's "character arc" or should I say "General arc" would be him against Renpa and Tou would beat both Renpa's forces and slay Renpa to solidify himself as one of the greatest generals ever. I need this to happen because I'm lowkey tired of everyone calling him "Deputy or 2nd of Ouki". I respect and love Ouki too but for the love of God. Tou is literally the best General in Ei Sei's arsenal right now and he doesn't get the recognition that he deserves simply because he served under the previous General? That needs to be changed and I believe in Tou.

This panel bro:


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I dont get why Ousen is so underrated in this Manga.

He can outsmart the likes of Riboku multiple times and historically speaking, he was the best general in warring era.

Giving him A level compare to Riboku is an insult.

Formerly Seth

Arc 15 Completed:

State of Ai Arc.

Oh, man. That was another one hell of a raid. Queen Mother showed up at the Royal Palace to interrupt the meeting between Ei Sei and Ryo Fui factions. She requested ownership over the cities of Choyou and Sanyou due to her influence and wealth coming from her Royal Harem Faction and wanted to appoint Eunach Rou Ai as the ruler. Ryo Fui faction agrees with Queen Mother and handles those cities to one of the Three Great Families overruling the Ei Sei faction. Later on down the line Queen Mother moved on with her faction to the region of Taigen claiming it as her new state and name it the State of Ai which only sparked confusion and potential rebellion problems for Ei Sei and Qin in general. She uses her wealth and influence to grow the State of Ai at incredible speed and on top of that, she uses her wealth to hire armies from the state of the Chu that was meant to keep one of the strongest generals in Qin busy away from the Capitol. The Generals dispatched to fight off the invading Chu armies were Moubu and Ousen.

We get to see the "love story" between Ryo Fui and Queen Mother. Queen used the alias Biki in her younger days. We get to see apparently an emotional version of Ryo Fui although later down the line we will find out that he really didn't treat it as a love matter but a chance to improve as a merchant that he was. Aside from what we got to know earlier in the story of course.

We get to know that Moubu and Tou were promoted to respectively 1st and 2nd Qin Great Generals positions which were fantastic news, especially that I really appreciate Tou and I think that he should get a lot more panel time since he is just that great and by many said to be the best General Qin has to offer at the moment. Also, Shin and Ouhon were officially promoted to the 5k army commanders for their achievements of slaying Earl Shi ( for Ouhon ) and Reiou ( for Shin ). We get a friendly banter between Ouhon and Shin which is fun as usual. Later we find out that normally Ouhon would already be promoted to the position of a General but Tou and Shouheikun objected to this. Tou explained that it would be too much of a jump and first both he ( Shin ) and Ouhon have to experience what it means to be a 5k unit because it's not just a 1k jump from a 4k unit. It's a completely new perspective for the Captain. Oh and also Kyoukai is promoted to a 3k unit commander making the Hi Shin unit an 8k army.

We are finally witnessing the end of the 9 years-long political warfare between Ei Sei and Ryo Fui's factions. What better time to settle the score than the Coming of Age Ceremony held at the Kinen Temple in You City which was the Captial of Qin in the past.

Ryo Fui also planned the revolution during the said ceremony which was his plan all along. Everything from Rou Ai meeting and bonding with Queen Mother up until now was his plan.

Truly a wonderful mastermind schemer. Ryo Fui is just too good at this shit.

Ei Sei officially becomes the king of Qin. Everyone notices that the aura around him is different from the most known kings because it's not an aura of a fighting king but he still catches the interest of everyone present in the castle sparking bright light from his appearance.

The Ai armies that were actually planned out and coordinated by Ryo Fui and his plans pass the Kankoku gates and move straight to the Kanyou where Ei Sei's daughter is.

Due to Shouheikun's coded message passed to Ten the Hi Shi Unit is aware of the Ai forces storming thru the lands of Qin to attack Kanyou and they unite themselves with a 10k army to go there and save the city of Kanyou.

Ei Sei reveals during the Ceremony that he saw thru Ryo Fui's schemes and he prepared countermeasures but it wasn't the most shocking reveal there. Shouheikun comes out as the mastermind behind the countermeasures to Ryo Fui's plan and he officially parted ways with Ryo Fui admitting that he believes in King's intentions to unify all of China. Such a powerful moment but even this didn't faze Ryo Fui at all and he kept his composure and also requested an eye-to-eye conversation between him and King.

Following that Shouheikun moved out with Shoubunkun and their followers to aid the rescue of the Kanyou city.


Holy fucking shit. It was something beyond imaginable even for me. I knew this moment will be great but I really didn't expect this to be one of the best reading experiences as a manga reader for me. The confrontation between Ei Sei and Ryo Fui turned out to be one of the best conversations in the Kingdom and even all of the mangas I have read in my life. The battle of concepts, beliefs, and goals between the two was just as intense as one conversation can get. I felt the tension and stakes as if I was reading a fucking war campaign with Generals going at each other. Ryo Fui started to explain his motives with the meaning of the monetary system that in his eyes rules the world for the entirety of its existence. His explanations and his flashback about learning the merchant craft were one of the best flashbacks one can get. He doesn't simply think that money is everything. He explained his motivations backed up with a proper and logical argument and he still admitted that the world-view he has is not perfect but it's at least beneficial for the state he wants to settle in. In his eyes, the only way to prevent himself from declining as a Chancellor was to turn Qin into the most desirable place for other states to come for help or aid thru the power of money itself. He questioned Ei Sei's worldview and his goal and even got the point which really has shaken Ei Sei back then and there.

By calling Ei Sei an "insane sociopath" he immediately makes you think about Ei Sei's reign up until this point and look at him from a completely new perspective which wasn't put on the King before. Long before this moment, I was questioning Ei Sei's motives and decisions he makes but I never really thought about it the way Ryo Fui presented it. If you think about it. To a bigger or lesser extent, Ryo Fui is nothing far from the truth. Ei Sei is smart, followed by incredible people but even he showcases behaviors of a mentally shaken person. Once again Ryo Fui showcases why he is the best antagonist in the entire series and nothing comes even close to him. Not even Riboku who I have high in that regard.

Although even after all of that he didn't break Ei Sei enough so he couldn't come back with a well thought and also acceptable explanation of his goals and motives making Ryo Fui shocked for the first time in the show. Ei Sei believes that what drives people during the warring period is the Light within them. This light pushes people beyond what they could achieve without the drive to change and improve and also his main goal which is to stop the infighting in the country which as mentioned above makes Ryo Fui shocked for the first time in the series and genuinely appreciate Ei Sei's intentions but also agreeing that their goals and beliefs will never match at least not in the same country.

Now to finish the arc with a banger we finally get to see Shouheikun in action. He takes the lead of his army of followers, including Heki and Shoubunkun.

I knew that Shouheikun has the strategical and tactical prowess rivaling that of Riboku himself but I didn't expect Shouheikun to get such a massive hype when it comes to his strength in combat. Even tho time passed by and Moubu kept improving on the battlefield while Shouheikun was doing his Riboku impression the statement of being stronger than Great General Moubu in his early days as well as the reveal of him growing and learning his crafts in the state of Chu is superb hype for this character and I can only wait for what Hara has in store for Shouheikun.


Oh, also Kanki shows up at the Kankoku pass and lays waste to the retreating forces of the rebelling army leaving only Rou Ai alive.

Kanyou is saved. Ei Sei's daughter is saved and everyone is happy and so we move on to the finale of the arc where we get to see Ei Sei punishing the traitors and bids farewell to the Ryo Fui faction only solidifying his position. He kills Rou Ai but he spares the lives of his mother and two of her children she gave birth to while bonding with Rou Ai.

I know it's not my most ambitious and in fact a very chaotic arc review but I think I captured the things I wanted to talk about the most.

As always.

I dont get why Ousen is so underrated in this Manga.

He can outsmart the likes of Riboku multiple times and historically speaking, he was the best general in warring era.

Giving him A level compare to Riboku is an insult.
nah stop it
if you really know history you wouldn't said that
he was not the best in china during this period
he was amone the best 4
who are renpa hakuki riboku ousen

also in real history riboku didn't appear yet in manga . all this from sanouy until now is just a filler from the Hara .

lol try smart to dwonplay riboku sama next time
nah stop it
if you really know history you wouldn't said that
he was not the best in china during this period
he was amone the best 4
who are renpa hakuki riboku ousen

also in real history riboku didn't appear yet in manga . all this from sanouy until now is just a filler from the Hara .

lol try smart to dwonplay riboku sama next time
Are you serious? Who was the general that conquered Zhao and Chu? Is it Hakuki?

Those general were strong but if we look on the achievements, Ousen was the best from all of them
Are you serious? Who was the general that conquered Zhao and Chu? Is it Hakuki?

Those general were strong but if we look on the achievements, Ousen was the best from all of them
hakuki conquered chu capital yes .

ousen didn't conquere anything
zshou is a long war laster for more than decade
he contributed in it not he did it all.

also both renpa and riboku has stupids kings that always makenthem lose .
while ousen and hakuki not
they are restricted but managed to be with 4 .

also ousen didn't ever won on riboku

it was all the stupid king
either it was in the filler manga or cannon history

ousen is great
but putting him above everyone is just stupid
Fucking hell, R.I.P Piao. Hardly knew ya but you seemed like a real one. Love the fact that they both act overly dramatic/serious/edgy. Fits perfectly with their upbringing and the fact that they are still kids.

Onto chap 2.
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O-Oden-sama!? We thought you were dead after dancing like an idiot for 5 years and being shot in the head in boiling oil!?? We still love you unconditionally though, but what a miracle that doesn't make any sense whatsoever, you're alive!!!

Jokes aside.

Very refreshing to see characters that have realistic motives and "flaws," and strategies that are simple, yet subtly woven, to form suprising character revelations and natural "plot twists."

There's no right or wrong, just war and how you can advantage yourself to survive. The king's younger brother must be like 11 or 12, but that mafaka got game. The king himself is quite physically strong.

Onto chap 8.
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Formerly Seth

Arc 16 Completed:

Kokuyou Campaign Arc.

We start off with Shin and Sei discussing the aftermath of the whole situation with Ryo Fui, Queen Mother, and the State of Ai. Sei informs Shin that it's about time that Qin revives their Six Great Generals system to boost the morale and confidence in the Generals.

Under Shouheikun's orders, Shin, Ouhon, and Mouten are relegated to the Soushuu region at the borders with Zhao to take it over. The three of them discuss the revival of the Qin's Six Great Generals system. As it turns out, Soushuu region takeover was only a feint and the real goal was to capture the Enshi stronghold which ends up being conquered in no time with assistance from Yotanwa and the mountain people. ( I wonder if Yotanwa and Kanki crossed their paths in the past. Their people seem to be similar in a lot of ways ).

We switch the action to the state of Chu where we find out that Prime Minister Shunshinkun was assassinated by the brother of the woman that bore his child named Rien. Rien visits Karin and lays out his plan for her. He wants to rebuild Chu's court power together with Karin and her huge 300k army of soldiers. He also reveals that he wants Karin to become the Prime Minister of the state. We get to see quick flashback panels from Karin's youth and it's revealed that she wandered the wastelands fighting her way thru to find her brother. ( That happens because Karin asks why Rien is moved by his love for the sister and he tells her that she also have strong bonds with her brother considering the fact that she went thru wastelands to find him and take him back ).

Hi Shin unit is relegated to move out to the Kokuyou region in Zhao under Kanki's leadership. 50k soldiers of the Kanki army and 8k soldiers of the Hi Shin unit move out.

The story moves quickly from this point onward. Not gonna lie I was expecting Kanki hype but instead, it became a pretty boring back and forth between Kanki and Keisha ( the leader of the opposing Zhao army ). I mean boring. It was good and well written but there weren't many "WOW" moments in the story although I understand that this arc serves the purpose of prelude to the big Zhao invasion so I didn't mind that much. Just felt repetitive at times. I will go quickly thru some moments that happened.

Shin got outsmarted by the Zhao Generals, Kyoukai found out that there is a village with citizens unaware of the upcoming battle between Zhao and Qin forces, Kanki together with the Zenou clan fought for the central hill against the Keisha army, Keisha performs a spider trap but is unaware of the brilliance of some of Kanki's units and he overlooked it, Kanki army gets revenge on Keisha soldiers for their lost brothers in arms. Shin claims to repay the Keisha army for his failure on day one by announcing that he will take Keisha's head. Ten uses her tactical brain to plan out how to pass the river and get to the Keisha soldiers, Hi Shin unit passes the river and we get a cool moment of En proving himself even getting praised by Kanki's deputy by the name of Naki from the Naki clan. Later on Shin kills Keisha as he promised.

( Thanks to Keisha's death I no more count Mangoku vs Shin as the most forced duel in all of Shin's battles ).

Kanki allows his men to let loose and take out the village while torturing the citizens. Kyoukai witnesses the village that she got medical help from in the smoke from the fire. Shin finds out what happened and they both rage as all hell and take out Kanki's forces and later move on to his camp to confront him about his brutal methods.

Here we have the highlight of this arc which is Kanki calling out Shin on his bullshit and his twisted worldview which mirrors the confrontation between King Ei Sei and Ryo Fui. Kanki is a cruel and radical person but he points out the flaws in Shin's ideology which is exactly what Ryo Fui did with Ei Sei but in this case, Shin doesn't come back with a proper explanation on his motives because deep down inside he knows that Kanki is right. Kanki points out that both Shin and King's ideology is only a solution in their eyes and it's only beneficial to the state of Qin, not entire China.

This is the first time in the series where Shin gets the reality check and the most important thing is that he understands what is happening. I love this moment because Shin will not casually start to kill off citizens because Kanki says that it is the best way to the full victory but he says that he needs to achieve an even higher rank to be able to stand with Kanki on equal ground and question his decisions. In every other show, MC would call out Kanki and tell him that they will make him pay for it or stop being so cruel and shit but it's not the case here and I love Hara for this decision. Shin has one of the best MC growths out of all of the series I've read up until now and I can't wait to see more and more.

Overall a good arc but it didn't have many spotlights aside from the finale with Kanki calling out Shin on his bullshit ideology driven by the belief of the Unification of all China as the basis.


Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Arc 16 Completed:

Kokuyou Campaign Arc.

We start off with Shin and Sei discussing the aftermath of the whole situation with Ryo Fui, Queen Mother, and the State of Ai. Sei informs Shin that it's about time that Qin revives their Six Great Generals system to boost the morale and confidence in the Generals.

Under Shouheikun's orders, Shin, Ouhon, and Mouten are relegated to the Soushuu region at the borders with Zhao to take it over. The three of them discuss the revival of the Qin's Six Great Generals system. As it turns out, Soushuu region takeover was only a feint and the real goal was to capture the Enshi stronghold which ends up being conquered in no time with assistance from Yotanwa and the mountain people. ( I wonder if Yotanwa and Kanki crossed their paths in the past. Their people seem to be similar in a lot of ways ).

We switch the action to the state of Chu where we find out that Prime Minister Shunshinkun was assassinated by the brother of the woman that bore his child named Rien. Rien visits Karin and lays out his plan for her. He wants to rebuild Chu's court power together with Karin and her huge 300k army of soldiers. He also reveals that he wants Karin to become the Prime Minister of the state. We get to see quick flashback panels from Karin's youth and it's revealed that she wandered the wastelands fighting her way thru to find her brother. ( That happens because Karin asks why Rien is moved by his love for the sister and he tells her that she also have strong bonds with her brother considering the fact that she went thru wastelands to find him and take him back ).

Hi Shin unit is relegated to move out to the Kokuyou region in Zhao under Kanki's leadership. 50k soldiers of the Kanki army and 8k soldiers of the Hi Shin unit move out.

The story moves quickly from this point onward. Not gonna lie I was expecting Kanki hype but instead, it became a pretty boring back and forth between Kanki and Keisha ( the leader of the opposing Zhao army ). I mean boring. It was good and well written but there weren't many "WOW" moments in the story although I understand that this arc serves the purpose of prelude to the big Zhao invasion so I didn't mind that much. Just felt repetitive at times. I will go quickly thru some moments that happened.

Shin got outsmarted by the Zhao Generals, Kyoukai found out that there is a village with citizens unaware of the upcoming battle between Zhao and Qin forces, Kanki together with the Zenou clan fought for the central hill against the Keisha army, Keisha performs a spider trap but is unaware of the brilliance of some of Kanki's units and he overlooked it, Kanki army gets revenge on Keisha soldiers for their lost brothers in arms. Shin claims to repay the Keisha army for his failure on day one by announcing that he will take Keisha's head. Ten uses her tactical brain to plan out how to pass the river and get to the Keisha soldiers, Hi Shin unit passes the river and we get a cool moment of En proving himself even getting praised by Kanki's deputy by the name of Naki from the Naki clan. Later on Shin kills Keisha as he promised.

( Thanks to Keisha's death I no more count Mangoku vs Shin as the most forced duel in all of Shin's battles ).

Kanki allows his men to let loose and take out the village while torturing the citizens. Kyoukai witnesses the village that she got medical help from in the smoke from the fire. Shin finds out what happened and they both rage as all hell and take out Kanki's forces and later move on to his camp to confront him about his brutal methods.

Here we have the highlight of this arc which is Kanki calling out Shin on his bullshit and his twisted worldview which mirrors the confrontation between King Ei Sei and Ryo Fui. Kanki is a cruel and radical person but he points out the flaws in Shin's ideology which is exactly what Ryo Fui did with Ei Sei but in this case, Shin doesn't come back with a proper explanation on his motives because deep down inside he knows that Kanki is right. Kanki points out that both Shin and King's ideology is only a solution in their eyes and it's only beneficial to the state of Qin, not entire China.

This is the first time in the series where Shin gets the reality check and the most important thing is that he understands what is happening. I love this moment because Shin will not casually start to kill off citizens because Kanki says that it is the best way to the full victory but he says that he needs to achieve an even higher rank to be able to stand with Kanki on equal ground and question his decisions. In every other show, MC would call out Kanki and tell him that they will make him pay for it or stop being so cruel and shit but it's not the case here and I love Hara for this decision. Shin has one of the best MC growths out of all of the series I've read up until now and I can't wait to see more and more.

Overall a good arc but it didn't have many spotlights aside from the finale with Kanki calling out Shin on his bullshit ideology driven by the belief of the Unification of all China as the basis.

You are about to enter my personal favorite arc. Lol

Xin being such a simple and determined idiot that openly speaks his mind has actually helped the group so much. People don't know how to deal with it because he's actually pointing out their bullshit without sugar-coating it, which makes them self reflect because they know he's right, and it's helped to turn some enemies from straight kill mode to "wtf, is this kid an idiot? Why is he trying to dig his own grave"

Like Xin, I too wonder how the King is so polished physically with amazing endurance and probably fighting skills too while living holed up in a palace, maybe he trained before coming to the palace to become king when his father died. It's a contrast to his younger brother who seems to have polished his mind instead, but has his servants doing all the physical labour for him.

My prediction is that this contrast between them will probably come into play or focus later on.

The Mountain People just keep getting more suprising and interesting as we slowly learn more about them. Despite their savegery, they have a beautiful female King and a sophisticated impregnable kingdom. Diao, the owl kid, being a girl was a bit surprising. She's a nice simple character, providing some good comic relief and reactions to these royals and Xin being an idiot.

Overall in these 25 chapters you wouldn't be wrong to say that nothing really happened, yet at the same time we learned so much about all the parties involved. Lu Shi going on a campaign until the king dies so he can wage war and take the throne, despite helping the king's father get the throne in the first place. General Qi is also another seemingly bloodthirsty enigma. We have so many elements that are being subtly woven together in these 25 chapters build-up. The worldbuilding, the characters roles, the strategies.

Everything is simple but slowly getting more profound and complex.

And best of all, there's no "hype moment" right now, it's all feels like natural revelations that just happens to be hype.

Onto chap 26.
You are about to enter my personal favorite arc. Lol
maybe my worst arc lol 😆

i mean to the perfection.
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Xin being such a simple and determined idiot that openly speaks his mind has actually helped the group so much. People don't know how to deal with it because he's actually pointing out their bullshit without sugar-coating it, which makes them self reflect because they know he's right, and it's helped to turn some enemies from straight kill mode to "wtf, is this kid an idiot? Why is he trying to dig his own grave"

Like Xin, I too wonder how the King is so polished physically with amazing endurance and probably fighting skills too while living holed up in a palace, maybe he trained before coming to the palace to become king when his father died. It's a contrast to his younger brother who seems to have polished his mind instead, but has his servants doing all the physical labour for him.

My prediction is that this contrast between them will probably come into play or focus later on.

The Mountain People just keep getting more suprising and interesting as we slowly learn more about them. Despite their savegery, they have a beautiful female King and a sophisticated impregnable kingdom. Diao, the owl kid, being a girl was a bit surprising. She's a nice simple character, providing some good comic relief and reactions to these royals and Xin being an idiot.

Overall in these 25 chapters you wouldn't be wrong to say that nothing really happened, yet at the same time we learned so much about all the parties involved. Lu Shi going on a campaign until the king dies so he can wage war and take the throne, despite helping the king's father get the throne in the first place. General Qi is also another seemingly bloodthirsty enigma. We have so many elements that are being subtly woven together in these 25 chapters build-up. The worldbuilding, the characters roles, the strategies.

Everything is simple but slowly getting more profound and complex.

And best of all, there's no "hype moment" right now, it's all feels like natural revelations that just happens to be hype.

Onto chap 26.
keep going
if enjoyed this
i don't know what you will say about the next arcs :steef:
also his name is shin
xin is his Chinese pronunciation while shin is Japanese.

anyway it's not big problem
since when you reach 50 or before
all scans will use Japanese which is easier to remember
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We can’t be friends

Bruh. I love Western Zhao/Gyou dearly lol. I may do a big “why I love this arc” post in the future, imo it is an arc on par with Coalition and Sei’s Coronation.
i enjoyed this arc alot
but what happened at the end spoilers (
not just shin back to life , the battle become disaster and illogical like mouten leaving his army lol wtf then ousen role in the battle vs ribouku he done nothing just like reactionner lol . i hated this many things thta only came at the end of the arc . i gotbored many times around the end with starvation shit cuz it stretched than it should .
but the arc has many things enjoyed a lot like goyun , mountain people plot are best thing in this arc for me , ousen plans at the start and at end

that's why as perfection arc it's not on my list , and i say this as reader who has been reading weekly since early 2014 )
all kingdom arc are perfect in my view except this one

lol pls don't compare it to CI arc
that arc is like the best in manga world not only kingdom :beckmoji: