
…..why would you want to click on show ignored content if im giving you such a hard time? Wouldn’t you be trying to do the opposite?

I’m so “Dumb” and such an “idiot” yet you feel the need to keep responding?

I’m sorry I don’t know every basoc function of the forum. I have a job and responsibilities+life outside the forums. Dk ab u
He wont see that remember?:kobeha: but he will now that i quoted it
Not everyone can be 30 years of age, still living with their parents and hurling insults at someone over the forums all day mr. solis
Congratulations!! I'm sorry I missed your 30th birthday!!
Did your mom bake a nice cake for you and brought you warm milk on your bed, with lots of chocolate??
Go back to sleep and come back when you have grown a brain.