@Dragomir has been lynched
His role was the towniest townie to ever town as a Juggernaunt
He left some words behind
Last Will/Death Note:
Even though the VH claim backfired, I really had a lot of fun trying to convince you guys I was telling the truth.
@Melontonin I had a good time arguing with you. I really was not expecting there to actually be a VH and vamps in this game. Imagine my shock when I saw your hint. Decided to still go with it to see what happens.
While yes I am scum, a lot of the reads I had were what I genuinely believed to be true. The emotions I had about my town play being "lazy" were true and not fake. Lynching Odd wasn't this 200 IQ open wolf strategy or me trying to save Xlaw. I thought he was scum and my scum read on him was stronger than the one I had on Xlaw. So I decided to push for his lynch. When I scum read someone, I like to get that person lynched. That's what I do. That's how you play the game. I'm not going to simply go with the flow because I am scum. I hope you guys don't adopt that mentality. If you want someone lynched then go for it. Get after it.
Overall, I enjoyed this game and had fun.
And one last thing: I'm still the towniest townie to ever town.
It is now Night 3
Coven has Necronicon
You have 24 hours to send in your actions
@Dragomir @AL sama @Flower @Melontonin @Lindltaylor @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Ekkologix @Van @Rhea @Fruitji @Xlaw @Ratchet @T-Peinโข @Light D Lamperouge @Wris