What will happen till end of Wano?

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Queen wrecked them, it was needed Marco, Zoro, Chopper, Drake and Hyogoro just to stop Queen's plagues from spreading and killing everybody

Marco got weakened by healing people, and he also got hit by Queen's Ice Oni virus, then King and Queen brought Marco down in the end, not to mention Sanji saving Chopper from being killed.
Unless some Beast Pirates fodder dying is that relevant for you
Queen's impressive resumee :suresure:

-Gave Luffy a perfect training ground to master Advanced CoA and convince the prisoners to joiin his side

-Allowed the Udon breakout

-Turned Drake against Kaido by trying to kill him in the middle of the battle instead of waiting until it was over

-Stupidly gave away the antidote for his own virus

-Gave Hyogoro the power to destroy the livefloor

-Turned the gifters and the pleasures against Kaido

-Fooled around for 20 minutes vs Chopper instead of trying to win the war.

Yea he really is wrecking them, Kaido's army that is :suresure:
Honestly forget the difficulty metric..

Zoro had a tougher time since he was getting overwhelmed by the simultaneous attacks and kaku's odd fighting style.. Zoro was going all out for sure.. As for sanji.. He just ended jabra coz he was pissed about his BS regarding Robin.. Jabura dodges attacks he thought woukd break his tekkai.. But no doubt zoro had a tougher time dealing with kaku
See a non biased person can agree with me. Where you at @Finalbeta @ConquistadoR ?
Right exactly.

Seems like I was right :

>Sanji: I'm wearing the Raid Suit for the second time here already and my body is just-
>Zoro: Don't drag me down then.
>Sanji: I'm not saying I'm feeling bad, it's just "strange".
>The fire on Sanji's leg seemingly becomes bigger.

The RaidSuit is enhancing Sanji DJ since that is mutation we can expect Sanji getting stronger while using the RS but I'm sure there will be some drawbacks from doing this.

either Sanji's pride will cause him not use it so much or its possible he can only use it for a set amount of time due to his body not being fully modified.

Oda played it smart with Sanji's increase to power, now him beating Queen won't be too much of an @$$ pull
Exactly this. Some thought Oda just makes people strong without reason and doesn't care about powerlevels. Yet here we are with Sanji slowly getting boosted by the RS to increase his base abilities.
It is clear that Sanji before this boost wouldn't have been able to defeat Queen. Even with the boost, it isn't guaranteed. However, it gets him closer to the mark.


Never Feed The Badders Pasta
Great argument

let's just assume everything we see in the actual story about the topic we are arguing is fake and then just make up what we want to think about those things


isn't it easy to talk every point you want with this basis?
Come off it. You know damn well if it was a character you loathe, you woulda called them out on their bullshit.
What if it is actually Sora's DNA kicking off and only Sanji gets it because he was a failure

Because I still can't see Judge wanting to have a fire son with an invisible suit and I doubt the comic version had such powers the siblings are based on
Now I'm thinking his personality change thanks to the RS is what's affecting his DJ. I don't think it has anything to do with the Lineage factor anymore.


So i took a L. There is no one explicitly saying they're all hurt only that zoros the only one in terrible condition.

However this panel from the very beginning of the fight shows all 3 of them were damaged before the fight.

So I'll gracefully take my L while still providing evidence that I was right...
You were not right at all, tell me what chapter number this is please?
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