What will happen till end of Wano?

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Bald Spoiler Provider
Full summary, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Chapter 1,023: "As alike as two peas in a pod".

In the cover, Kaku and Lucci are having a chess match while Stussy is focused watching them and petting a cat on her lap.

Chapter starts with King and Queen are fine after Zoro and Sanji's attack.

Marco remembers what Shirohige told him ("It seems that there is a land of gods on the Red Line"). Follow the fight between Zoro / Sanji and King / Queen. Sanji tells Zoro that his body feels strange after using the Raid Suit for the 2nd time. Queen taunts Sanji for being a Germa cyborg. Queen asks him if those fire legs are a machine, Sanji tells him that he is 100% human.

Queen wonders if a normal human can create fire and tells him that if he is not from the X tribe (the Korean does not give the name). After this they focus on King, implying that Queen speaks of King's race. However, Sanji's Diable Jambe is nothing compared to the powers of King's race.

Cut to Onigashima's 3rd floor, Raizou and Fukurokuju are fighting. Raizou uses his technique “Ninpo: Bunshin no Jutsu” (Ninja Art: Clone Technique) to create some clones. Fukurokuju uses his technique “Ninpo: Mimitabu Crackers” (Ninja Art: Earlobes Crackers - 耳たぶ クラツカー) with which he can control his earlobes (that have firecrackers at the edge) at will like whips.

Despite the fact that Raizou attacks him with several clones, Fukurokuju is able to see through Raizou's technique and manages to hit the real Raizou.

Raizou: "Why you chose to serve Orochi!!?"

Fukurokuju: "I'm a ninja and it is ninja's duty to serve the Shougun of Wanokuni.
In contrast, the man you serve is merely a ghost.
You can't become a true ninja because you can't contain your personal feelings!!"

Raizou: "Our actions are sincere because we act with our personal feelings!!
We all died along with Oden-sama on that day.
What you see are merely ghosts who are here to carry out Oden-sama's will!!
What we do isn't "duty" since they are our feelings that drive us.
The night of Kaidou and Orochi is about to end, and the sun will shine upon Wanokuni as Momonosuke-sama becomes the Shougun!!"

As Raizou speaks, we see the other Red Scabbards. Kinemon, Kiku and Ashura are still lying on the ground (we can't see their faces) and the other are all running or fighting (including Denjirou).

Cut to another part of Onigashima's 3rd floor, Killer and Hawkins are fighting. Hawkins is using his scarecrow-like form, we can see some straw dolls in the ground. It seems Killer attacked Hawkins many times but there's no effect thanks to Hawkins' powers.

Killer: "How many lives you stored!!"

Hawkins: "Not many left... Fufufu."

Killer stabs Hawkins but Hawkins laughes.

Hawkins: "Yeah, I haven't many lives left...
But the question is “whose life” is it...!!"

Cut to Onigashima's 2nd floor, Law and Kid are fighting Big Mom. Suddenly, Kid kneels down with a stab wound appearing on his chest. Back to the 3rd floor.

Hawkins: "If you kill me, your captain will die too...
By your own hands!!"

Cut to the “Live Floor”. King and Queen (this one in hybrid form) are annihilating the entire floor together. They are attacking all Gifters that betrayed them. The area is on fire, King is grabbing the head of a 4-armed Gifter while his hand burns. Marco has reached his limit so he can't stop them anymore. Sanji tried to fight both of them too, but he was thrown away.

Sanji shouts at Chopper and Miyagi to take Zoro and run if the drug doesn't work. Miyagi says the drug may take some time to activate since Zoro was in critical condition. Sanji enters the fight again and kicks Queen's face. King goes for Zoro.

Perospero is still in the room, but he's moved a bit out of the action zone. He has drawn his candy bow and is aiming at Sanji, his intention is to shoot Sanji to avenge for the wedding. Perospero has Sanji within range, but just before shooting his arrows, Nekomamushi comes at full speed and slaps Persopero in the face. The blow makes Perospero fly off the “Live Floor” (he hits some rocks near a bridge).

Chopper, Miyagi and Tristan are running along with Zoro (a pair of samurai carry him). However, King appears before them cutting off their path. King "conjures" a fireball in his hand and attacks Chopper and the other with a new attack called “Andon” (Emperor Flame - 炎皇 (アンドン)). Marco appears at high speed and blocks King's attack with his “Fushi Azami” (Immortal Azami Flower - 不死薊), the same attack with which he blocked Kizaru's “Yasakani no Magatama” in Marineford (now that attack has a name).

Marco: "I heard that long time ago,
a race of being that can create fire lived on top of the "red wall" (赤い壁).
King the Fire* could it be that...?"

*Marco doesn't use King's normal nickname (“King the Wildfire” - 火災のキング) becouse he changes the term “kasai” (火災) for the term “kaen” (火炎) which means “fire”.

King: "..."

But then Queen enters the scene too and says he has already tired and that they are going to kill Marco. Queen prepares his laser beam while King "conjures" a fireball in his hand. They are both about to attack Marco.

Marco: "Okay, okay. I give up...
I've fought enough. My part ends here.
It's time for the “stars” to enter the stage!!

As Marco says that, we see Zoro's bandage being torn apart. Chopper is shocked (another "Enel face" lol)

Zoro: "Santouryuu...!!"

Sanji: "Diable...!!"

Zoro: "Rengoku Oni Giri!!!"

Sanji: "Mouton Shot!!!"

In a BADASS final double spread, Sanji and Zoro attack King and Queen together.

Zoro: "Hey swirly, if we manage to win this battle...!!"

Sanji: "Yeah, I can begin to see it...
The image of Luffy as “the Pirate King”!!!"

End of the chapter, no break in next Jump issue.


Full summary, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Chapter 1,023: "As alike as two peas in a pod".

In the cover, Kaku and Lucci are having a chess match while Stussy is focused watching them and petting a cat on her lap.

Chapter starts with King and Queen are fine after Zoro and Sanji's attack.

Marco remembers what Shirohige told him ("It seems that there is a land of gods on the Red Line"). Follow the fight between Zoro / Sanji and King / Queen. Sanji tells Zoro that his body feels strange after using the Raid Suit for the 2nd time. Queen taunts Sanji for being a Germa cyborg. Queen asks him if those fire legs are a machine, Sanji tells him that he is 100% human.

Queen wonders if a normal human can create fire and tells him that if he is not from the X tribe (the Korean does not give the name). After this they focus on King, implying that Queen speaks of King's race. However, Sanji's Diable Jambe is nothing compared to the powers of King's race.

Cut to Onigashima's 3rd floor, Raizou and Fukurokuju are fighting. Raizou uses his technique “Ninpo: Bunshin no Jutsu” (Ninja Art: Clone Technique) to create some clones. Fukurokuju uses his technique “Ninpo: Mimitabu Crackers” (Ninja Art: Earlobes Crackers - 耳たぶ クラツカー) with which he can control his earlobes (that have firecrackers at the edge) at will like whips.

Despite the fact that Raizou attacks him with several clones, Fukurokuju is able to see through Raizou's technique and manages to hit the real Raizou.

Raizou: "Why you chose to serve Orochi!!?"

Fukurokuju: "I'm a ninja and it is ninja's duty to serve the Shougun of Wanokuni.
In contrast, the man you serve is merely a ghost.
You can't become a true ninja because you can't contain your personal feelings!!"

Raizou: "Our actions are sincere because we act with our personal feelings!!
We all died along with Oden-sama on that day.
What you see are merely ghosts who are here to carry out Oden-sama's will!!
What we do isn't "duty" since they are our feelings that drive us.
The night of Kaidou and Orochi is about to end, and the sun will shine upon Wanokuni as Momonosuke-sama becomes the Shougun!!"

As Raizou speaks, we see the other Red Scabbards. Kinemon, Kiku and Ashura are still lying on the ground (we can't see their faces) and the other are all running or fighting (including Denjirou).

Cut to another part of Onigashima's 3rd floor, Killer and Hawkins are fighting. Hawkins is using his scarecrow-like form, we can see some straw dolls in the ground. It seems Killer attacked Hawkins many times but there's no effect thanks to Hawkins' powers.

Killer: "How many lives you stored!!"

Hawkins: "Not many left... Fufufu."

Killer stabs Hawkins but Hawkins laughes.

Hawkins: "Yeah, I haven't many lives left...
But the question is “whose life” is it...!!"

Cut to Onigashima's 2nd floor, Law and Kid are fighting Big Mom. Suddenly, Kid kneels down with a stab wound appearing on his chest. Back to the 3rd floor.

Hawkins: "If you kill me, your captain will die too...
By your own hands!!"

Cut to the “Live Floor”. King and Queen (this one in hybrid form) are annihilating the entire floor together. They are attacking all Gifters that betrayed them. The area is on fire, King is grabbing the head of a 4-armed Gifter while his hand burns. Marco has reached his limit so he can't stop them anymore. Sanji tried to fight both of them too, but he was thrown away.

Sanji shouts at Chopper and Miyagi to take Zoro and run if the drug doesn't work. Miyagi says the drug may take some time to activate since Zoro was in critical condition. Sanji enters the fight again and kicks Queen's face. King goes for Zoro.

Perospero is still in the room, but he's moved a bit out of the action zone. He has drawn his candy bow and is aiming at Sanji, his intention is to shoot Sanji to avenge for the wedding. Perospero has Sanji within range, but just before shooting his arrows, Nekomamushi comes at full speed and slaps Persopero in the face. The blow makes Perospero fly off the “Live Floor” (he hits some rocks near a bridge).

Chopper, Miyagi and Tristan are running along with Zoro (a pair of samurai carry him). However, King appears before them cutting off their path. King "conjures" a fireball in his hand and attacks Chopper and the other with a new attack called “Andon” (Emperor Flame - 炎皇 (アンドン)). Marco appears at high speed and blocks King's attack with his “Fushi Azami” (Immortal Azami Flower - 不死薊), the same attack with which he blocked Kizaru's “Yasakani no Magatama” in Marineford (now that attack has a name).

Marco: "I heard that long time ago,
a race of being that can create fire lived on top of the "red wall" (赤い壁).
King the Fire* could it be that...?"

*Marco doesn't use King's normal nickname (“King the Wildfire” - 火災のキング) becouse he changes the term “kasai” (火災) for the term “kaen” (火炎) which means “fire”.

King: "..."

But then Queen enters the scene too and says he has already tired and that they are going to kill Marco. Queen prepares his laser beam while King "conjures" a fireball in his hand. They are both about to attack Marco.

Marco: "Okay, okay. I give up...
I've fought enough. My part ends here.
It's time for the “stars” to enter the stage!!

As Marco says that, we see Zoro's bandage being torn apart. Chopper is shocked (another "Enel face" lol)

Zoro: "Santouryuu...!!"

Sanji: "Diable...!!"

Zoro: "Rengoku Oni Giri!!!"

Sanji: "Mouton Shot!!!"

In a BADASS final double spread, Sanji and Zoro attack King and Queen together.

Zoro: "Hey swirly, if we manage to win this battle...!!"

Sanji: "Yeah, I can begin to see it...
The image of Luffy as “the Pirate King”!!!"

End of the chapter, no break in next Jump issue.
@RayanOO we need another ban here, thanks


Full summary, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Chapter 1,023: "As alike as two peas in a pod".

In the cover, Kaku and Lucci are having a chess match while Stussy is focused watching them and petting a cat on her lap.

Chapter starts with King and Queen are fine after Zoro and Sanji's attack.

Marco remembers what Shirohige told him ("It seems that there is a land of gods on the Red Line"). Follow the fight between Zoro / Sanji and King / Queen. Sanji tells Zoro that his body feels strange after using the Raid Suit for the 2nd time. Queen taunts Sanji for being a Germa cyborg. Queen asks him if those fire legs are a machine, Sanji tells him that he is 100% human.

Queen wonders if a normal human can create fire and tells him that if he is not from the X tribe (the Korean does not give the name). After this they focus on King, implying that Queen speaks of King's race. However, Sanji's Diable Jambe is nothing compared to the powers of King's race.

Cut to Onigashima's 3rd floor, Raizou and Fukurokuju are fighting. Raizou uses his technique “Ninpo: Bunshin no Jutsu” (Ninja Art: Clone Technique) to create some clones. Fukurokuju uses his technique “Ninpo: Mimitabu Crackers” (Ninja Art: Earlobes Crackers - 耳たぶ クラツカー) with which he can control his earlobes (that have firecrackers at the edge) at will like whips.

Despite the fact that Raizou attacks him with several clones, Fukurokuju is able to see through Raizou's technique and manages to hit the real Raizou.

Raizou: "Why you chose to serve Orochi!!?"

Fukurokuju: "I'm a ninja and it is ninja's duty to serve the Shougun of Wanokuni.
In contrast, the man you serve is merely a ghost.
You can't become a true ninja because you can't contain your personal feelings!!"

Raizou: "Our actions are sincere because we act with our personal feelings!!
We all died along with Oden-sama on that day.
What you see are merely ghosts who are here to carry out Oden-sama's will!!
What we do isn't "duty" since they are our feelings that drive us.
The night of Kaidou and Orochi is about to end, and the sun will shine upon Wanokuni as Momonosuke-sama becomes the Shougun!!"

As Raizou speaks, we see the other Red Scabbards. Kinemon, Kiku and Ashura are still lying on the ground (we can't see their faces) and the other are all running or fighting (including Denjirou).

Cut to another part of Onigashima's 3rd floor, Killer and Hawkins are fighting. Hawkins is using his scarecrow-like form, we can see some straw dolls in the ground. It seems Killer attacked Hawkins many times but there's no effect thanks to Hawkins' powers.

Killer: "How many lives you stored!!"

Hawkins: "Not many left... Fufufu."

Killer stabs Hawkins but Hawkins laughes.

Hawkins: "Yeah, I haven't many lives left...
But the question is “whose life” is it...!!"

Cut to Onigashima's 2nd floor, Law and Kid are fighting Big Mom. Suddenly, Kid kneels down with a stab wound appearing on his chest. Back to the 3rd floor.

Hawkins: "If you kill me, your captain will die too...
By your own hands!!"

Cut to the “Live Floor”. King and Queen (this one in hybrid form) are annihilating the entire floor together. They are attacking all Gifters that betrayed them. The area is on fire, King is grabbing the head of a 4-armed Gifter while his hand burns. Marco has reached his limit so he can't stop them anymore. Sanji tried to fight both of them too, but he was thrown away.

Sanji shouts at Chopper and Miyagi to take Zoro and run if the drug doesn't work. Miyagi says the drug may take some time to activate since Zoro was in critical condition. Sanji enters the fight again and kicks Queen's face. King goes for Zoro.

Perospero is still in the room, but he's moved a bit out of the action zone. He has drawn his candy bow and is aiming at Sanji, his intention is to shoot Sanji to avenge for the wedding. Perospero has Sanji within range, but just before shooting his arrows, Nekomamushi comes at full speed and slaps Persopero in the face. The blow makes Perospero fly off the “Live Floor” (he hits some rocks near a bridge).

Chopper, Miyagi and Tristan are running along with Zoro (a pair of samurai carry him). However, King appears before them cutting off their path. King "conjures" a fireball in his hand and attacks Chopper and the other with a new attack called “Andon” (Emperor Flame - 炎皇 (アンドン)). Marco appears at high speed and blocks King's attack with his “Fushi Azami” (Immortal Azami Flower - 不死薊), the same attack with which he blocked Kizaru's “Yasakani no Magatama” in Marineford (now that attack has a name).

Marco: "I heard that long time ago,
a race of being that can create fire lived on top of the "red wall" (赤い壁).
King the Fire* could it be that...?"

*Marco doesn't use King's normal nickname (“King the Wildfire” - 火災のキング) becouse he changes the term “kasai” (火災) for the term “kaen” (火炎) which means “fire”.

King: "..."

But then Queen enters the scene too and says he has already tired and that they are going to kill Marco. Queen prepares his laser beam while King "conjures" a fireball in his hand. They are both about to attack Marco.

Marco: "Okay, okay. I give up...
I've fought enough. My part ends here.
It's time for the “stars” to enter the stage!!

As Marco says that, we see Zoro's bandage being torn apart. Chopper is shocked (another "Enel face" lol)

Zoro: "Santouryuu...!!"

Sanji: "Diable...!!"

Zoro: "Rengoku Oni Giri!!!"

Sanji: "Mouton Shot!!!"

In a BADASS final double spread, Sanji and Zoro attack King and Queen together.

Zoro: "Hey swirly, if we manage to win this battle...!!"

Sanji: "Yeah, I can begin to see it...
The image of Luffy as “the Pirate King”!!!"

End of the chapter, no break in next Jump issue.
Fuck off @MonsterZoro


Welcome to the House of Hope
Full summary, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Chapter 1,023: "As alike as two peas in a pod".

In the cover, Kaku and Lucci are having a chess match while Stussy is focused watching them and petting a cat on her lap.

Chapter starts with King and Queen are fine after Zoro and Sanji's attack.

Marco remembers what Shirohige told him ("It seems that there is a land of gods on the Red Line"). Follow the fight between Zoro / Sanji and King / Queen. Sanji tells Zoro that his body feels strange after using the Raid Suit for the 2nd time. Queen taunts Sanji for being a Germa cyborg. Queen asks him if those fire legs are a machine, Sanji tells him that he is 100% human.

Queen wonders if a normal human can create fire and tells him that if he is not from the X tribe (the Korean does not give the name). After this they focus on King, implying that Queen speaks of King's race. However, Sanji's Diable Jambe is nothing compared to the powers of King's race.

Cut to Onigashima's 3rd floor, Raizou and Fukurokuju are fighting. Raizou uses his technique “Ninpo: Bunshin no Jutsu” (Ninja Art: Clone Technique) to create some clones. Fukurokuju uses his technique “Ninpo: Mimitabu Crackers” (Ninja Art: Earlobes Crackers - 耳たぶ クラツカー) with which he can control his earlobes (that have firecrackers at the edge) at will like whips.

Despite the fact that Raizou attacks him with several clones, Fukurokuju is able to see through Raizou's technique and manages to hit the real Raizou.

Raizou: "Why you chose to serve Orochi!!?"

Fukurokuju: "I'm a ninja and it is ninja's duty to serve the Shougun of Wanokuni.
In contrast, the man you serve is merely a ghost.
You can't become a true ninja because you can't contain your personal feelings!!"

Raizou: "Our actions are sincere because we act with our personal feelings!!
We all died along with Oden-sama on that day.
What you see are merely ghosts who are here to carry out Oden-sama's will!!
What we do isn't "duty" since they are our feelings that drive us.
The night of Kaidou and Orochi is about to end, and the sun will shine upon Wanokuni as Momonosuke-sama becomes the Shougun!!"

As Raizou speaks, we see the other Red Scabbards. Kinemon, Kiku and Ashura are still lying on the ground (we can't see their faces) and the other are all running or fighting (including Denjirou).

Cut to another part of Onigashima's 3rd floor, Killer and Hawkins are fighting. Hawkins is using his scarecrow-like form, we can see some straw dolls in the ground. It seems Killer attacked Hawkins many times but there's no effect thanks to Hawkins' powers.

Killer: "How many lives you stored!!"

Hawkins: "Not many left... Fufufu."

Killer stabs Hawkins but Hawkins laughes.

Hawkins: "Yeah, I haven't many lives left...
But the question is “whose life” is it...!!"

Cut to Onigashima's 2nd floor, Law and Kid are fighting Big Mom. Suddenly, Kid kneels down with a stab wound appearing on his chest. Back to the 3rd floor.

Hawkins: "If you kill me, your captain will die too...
By your own hands!!"

Cut to the “Live Floor”. King and Queen (this one in hybrid form) are annihilating the entire floor together. They are attacking all Gifters that betrayed them. The area is on fire, King is grabbing the head of a 4-armed Gifter while his hand burns. Marco has reached his limit so he can't stop them anymore. Sanji tried to fight both of them too, but he was thrown away.

Sanji shouts at Chopper and Miyagi to take Zoro and run if the drug doesn't work. Miyagi says the drug may take some time to activate since Zoro was in critical condition. Sanji enters the fight again and kicks Queen's face. King goes for Zoro.

Perospero is still in the room, but he's moved a bit out of the action zone. He has drawn his candy bow and is aiming at Sanji, his intention is to shoot Sanji to avenge for the wedding. Perospero has Sanji within range, but just before shooting his arrows, Nekomamushi comes at full speed and slaps Persopero in the face. The blow makes Perospero fly off the “Live Floor” (he hits some rocks near a bridge).

Chopper, Miyagi and Tristan are running along with Zoro (a pair of samurai carry him). However, King appears before them cutting off their path. King "conjures" a fireball in his hand and attacks Chopper and the other with a new attack called “Andon” (Emperor Flame - 炎皇 (アンドン)). Marco appears at high speed and blocks King's attack with his “Fushi Azami” (Immortal Azami Flower - 不死薊), the same attack with which he blocked Kizaru's “Yasakani no Magatama” in Marineford (now that attack has a name).

Marco: "I heard that long time ago,
a race of being that can create fire lived on top of the "red wall" (赤い壁).
King the Fire* could it be that...?"

*Marco doesn't use King's normal nickname (“King the Wildfire” - 火災のキング) becouse he changes the term “kasai” (火災) for the term “kaen” (火炎) which means “fire”.

King: "..."

But then Queen enters the scene too and says he has already tired and that they are going to kill Marco. Queen prepares his laser beam while King "conjures" a fireball in his hand. They are both about to attack Marco.

Marco: "Okay, okay. I give up...
I've fought enough. My part ends here.
It's time for the “stars” to enter the stage!!

As Marco says that, we see Zoro's bandage being torn apart. Chopper is shocked (another "Enel face" lol)

Zoro: "Santouryuu...!!"

Sanji: "Diable...!!"

Zoro: "Rengoku Oni Giri!!!"

Sanji: "Mouton Shot!!!"

In a BADASS final double spread, Sanji and Zoro attack King and Queen together.

Zoro: "Hey swirly, if we manage to win this battle...!!"

Sanji: "Yeah, I can begin to see it...
The image of Luffy as “the Pirate King”!!!"

End of the chapter, no break in next Jump issue.
This MFer dedication.

Now stop.


Zoro Worshipper
Actually no. Showed you the difference of how Luffy heats up to prove the sanji notion of friction is bs.

He doesn't have a rubber body so he cannot vulcanize which means spinning alone will never heat him up period. Hence why even when sanji spinned it was a result of his lineage factor. Now sanjibcan literally be in air and literally not move while free falling and use hells memories which is an advanced dabble jambe
Again you cannot vulcanize by just adding sulfur to rubber, this is basic Science.

You need additives of different nature to obtain the desired properties to your rubber, and a source of heat. At least the latter should be mandatory since this is just a manga not necessarily meant to be scientifically so accurate.

Luffy is still a human, he doesn't get all of this stuff out from nothing. His body gotta undergo movement to provide the heat source. If Oda thought of it that way then he did really wrong.
Full summary, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Chapter 1,023: "As alike as two peas in a pod".

In the cover, Kaku and Lucci are having a chess match while Stussy is focused watching them and petting a cat on her lap.

Chapter starts with King and Queen are fine after Zoro and Sanji's attack.

Marco remembers what Shirohige told him ("It seems that there is a land of gods on the Red Line"). Follow the fight between Zoro / Sanji and King / Queen. Sanji tells Zoro that his body feels strange after using the Raid Suit for the 2nd time. Queen taunts Sanji for being a Germa cyborg. Queen asks him if those fire legs are a machine, Sanji tells him that he is 100% human.

Queen wonders if a normal human can create fire and tells him that if he is not from the X tribe (the Korean does not give the name). After this they focus on King, implying that Queen speaks of King's race. However, Sanji's Diable Jambe is nothing compared to the powers of King's race.

Cut to Onigashima's 3rd floor, Raizou and Fukurokuju are fighting. Raizou uses his technique “Ninpo: Bunshin no Jutsu” (Ninja Art: Clone Technique) to create some clones. Fukurokuju uses his technique “Ninpo: Mimitabu Crackers” (Ninja Art: Earlobes Crackers - 耳たぶ クラツカー) with which he can control his earlobes (that have firecrackers at the edge) at will like whips.

Despite the fact that Raizou attacks him with several clones, Fukurokuju is able to see through Raizou's technique and manages to hit the real Raizou.

Raizou: "Why you chose to serve Orochi!!?"

Fukurokuju: "I'm a ninja and it is ninja's duty to serve the Shougun of Wanokuni.
In contrast, the man you serve is merely a ghost.
You can't become a true ninja because you can't contain your personal feelings!!"

Raizou: "Our actions are sincere because we act with our personal feelings!!
We all died along with Oden-sama on that day.
What you see are merely ghosts who are here to carry out Oden-sama's will!!
What we do isn't "duty" since they are our feelings that drive us.
The night of Kaidou and Orochi is about to end, and the sun will shine upon Wanokuni as Momonosuke-sama becomes the Shougun!!"

As Raizou speaks, we see the other Red Scabbards. Kinemon, Kiku and Ashura are still lying on the ground (we can't see their faces) and the other are all running or fighting (including Denjirou).

Cut to another part of Onigashima's 3rd floor, Killer and Hawkins are fighting. Hawkins is using his scarecrow-like form, we can see some straw dolls in the ground. It seems Killer attacked Hawkins many times but there's no effect thanks to Hawkins' powers.

Killer: "How many lives you stored!!"

Hawkins: "Not many left... Fufufu."

Killer stabs Hawkins but Hawkins laughes.

Hawkins: "Yeah, I haven't many lives left...
But the question is “whose life” is it...!!"

Cut to Onigashima's 2nd floor, Law and Kid are fighting Big Mom. Suddenly, Kid kneels down with a stab wound appearing on his chest. Back to the 3rd floor.

Hawkins: "If you kill me, your captain will die too...
By your own hands!!"

Cut to the “Live Floor”. King and Queen (this one in hybrid form) are annihilating the entire floor together. They are attacking all Gifters that betrayed them. The area is on fire, King is grabbing the head of a 4-armed Gifter while his hand burns. Marco has reached his limit so he can't stop them anymore. Sanji tried to fight both of them too, but he was thrown away.

Sanji shouts at Chopper and Miyagi to take Zoro and run if the drug doesn't work. Miyagi says the drug may take some time to activate since Zoro was in critical condition. Sanji enters the fight again and kicks Queen's face. King goes for Zoro.

Perospero is still in the room, but he's moved a bit out of the action zone. He has drawn his candy bow and is aiming at Sanji, his intention is to shoot Sanji to avenge for the wedding. Perospero has Sanji within range, but just before shooting his arrows, Nekomamushi comes at full speed and slaps Persopero in the face. The blow makes Perospero fly off the “Live Floor” (he hits some rocks near a bridge).

Chopper, Miyagi and Tristan are running along with Zoro (a pair of samurai carry him). However, King appears before them cutting off their path. King "conjures" a fireball in his hand and attacks Chopper and the other with a new attack called “Andon” (Emperor Flame - 炎皇 (アンドン)). Marco appears at high speed and blocks King's attack with his “Fushi Azami” (Immortal Azami Flower - 不死薊), the same attack with which he blocked Kizaru's “Yasakani no Magatama” in Marineford (now that attack has a name).

Marco: "I heard that long time ago,
a race of being that can create fire lived on top of the "red wall" (赤い壁).
King the Fire* could it be that...?"

*Marco doesn't use King's normal nickname (“King the Wildfire” - 火災のキング) becouse he changes the term “kasai” (火災) for the term “kaen” (火炎) which means “fire”.

King: "..."

But then Queen enters the scene too and says he has already tired and that they are going to kill Marco. Queen prepares his laser beam while King "conjures" a fireball in his hand. They are both about to attack Marco.

Marco: "Okay, okay. I give up...
I've fought enough. My part ends here.
It's time for the “stars” to enter the stage!!

As Marco says that, we see Zoro's bandage being torn apart. Chopper is shocked (another "Enel face" lol)

Zoro: "Santouryuu...!!"

Sanji: "Diable...!!"

Zoro: "Rengoku Oni Giri!!!"

Sanji: "Mouton Shot!!!"

In a BADASS final double spread, Sanji and Zoro attack King and Queen together.

Zoro: "Hey swirly, if we manage to win this battle...!!"

Sanji: "Yeah, I can begin to see it...
The image of Luffy as “the Pirate King”!!!"

End of the chapter, no break in next Jump issue.
There we go.....
Full summary, thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Chapter 1,023: "As alike as two peas in a pod".

In the cover, Kaku and Lucci are having a chess match while Stussy is focused watching them and petting a cat on her lap.

Chapter starts with King and Queen are fine after Zoro and Sanji's attack.

Marco remembers what Shirohige told him ("It seems that there is a land of gods on the Red Line"). Follow the fight between Zoro / Sanji and King / Queen. Sanji tells Zoro that his body feels strange after using the Raid Suit for the 2nd time. Queen taunts Sanji for being a Germa cyborg. Queen asks him if those fire legs are a machine, Sanji tells him that he is 100% human.

Queen wonders if a normal human can create fire and tells him that if he is not from the X tribe (the Korean does not give the name). After this they focus on King, implying that Queen speaks of King's race. However, Sanji's Diable Jambe is nothing compared to the powers of King's race.

Cut to Onigashima's 3rd floor, Raizou and Fukurokuju are fighting. Raizou uses his technique “Ninpo: Bunshin no Jutsu” (Ninja Art: Clone Technique) to create some clones. Fukurokuju uses his technique “Ninpo: Mimitabu Crackers” (Ninja Art: Earlobes Crackers - 耳たぶ クラツカー) with which he can control his earlobes (that have firecrackers at the edge) at will like whips.

Despite the fact that Raizou attacks him with several clones, Fukurokuju is able to see through Raizou's technique and manages to hit the real Raizou.

Raizou: "Why you chose to serve Orochi!!?"

Fukurokuju: "I'm a ninja and it is ninja's duty to serve the Shougun of Wanokuni.
In contrast, the man you serve is merely a ghost.
You can't become a true ninja because you can't contain your personal feelings!!"

Raizou: "Our actions are sincere because we act with our personal feelings!!
We all died along with Oden-sama on that day.
What you see are merely ghosts who are here to carry out Oden-sama's will!!
What we do isn't "duty" since they are our feelings that drive us.
The night of Kaidou and Orochi is about to end, and the sun will shine upon Wanokuni as Momonosuke-sama becomes the Shougun!!"

As Raizou speaks, we see the other Red Scabbards. Kinemon, Kiku and Ashura are still lying on the ground (we can't see their faces) and the other are all running or fighting (including Denjirou).

Cut to another part of Onigashima's 3rd floor, Killer and Hawkins are fighting. Hawkins is using his scarecrow-like form, we can see some straw dolls in the ground. It seems Killer attacked Hawkins many times but there's no effect thanks to Hawkins' powers.

Killer: "How many lives you stored!!"

Hawkins: "Not many left... Fufufu."

Killer stabs Hawkins but Hawkins laughes.

Hawkins: "Yeah, I haven't many lives left...
But the question is “whose life” is it...!!"

Cut to Onigashima's 2nd floor, Law and Kid are fighting Big Mom. Suddenly, Kid kneels down with a stab wound appearing on his chest. Back to the 3rd floor.

Hawkins: "If you kill me, your captain will die too...
By your own hands!!"

Cut to the “Live Floor”. King and Queen (this one in hybrid form) are annihilating the entire floor together. They are attacking all Gifters that betrayed them. The area is on fire, King is grabbing the head of a 4-armed Gifter while his hand burns. Marco has reached his limit so he can't stop them anymore. Sanji tried to fight both of them too, but he was thrown away.

Sanji shouts at Chopper and Miyagi to take Zoro and run if the drug doesn't work. Miyagi says the drug may take some time to activate since Zoro was in critical condition. Sanji enters the fight again and kicks Queen's face. King goes for Zoro.

Perospero is still in the room, but he's moved a bit out of the action zone. He has drawn his candy bow and is aiming at Sanji, his intention is to shoot Sanji to avenge for the wedding. Perospero has Sanji within range, but just before shooting his arrows, Nekomamushi comes at full speed and slaps Persopero in the face. The blow makes Perospero fly off the “Live Floor” (he hits some rocks near a bridge).

Chopper, Miyagi and Tristan are running along with Zoro (a pair of samurai carry him). However, King appears before them cutting off their path. King "conjures" a fireball in his hand and attacks Chopper and the other with a new attack called “Andon” (Emperor Flame - 炎皇 (アンドン)). Marco appears at high speed and blocks King's attack with his “Fushi Azami” (Immortal Azami Flower - 不死薊), the same attack with which he blocked Kizaru's “Yasakani no Magatama” in Marineford (now that attack has a name).

Marco: "I heard that long time ago,
a race of being that can create fire lived on top of the "red wall" (赤い壁).
King the Fire* could it be that...?"

*Marco doesn't use King's normal nickname (“King the Wildfire” - 火災のキング) becouse he changes the term “kasai” (火災) for the term “kaen” (火炎) which means “fire”.

King: "..."

But then Queen enters the scene too and says he has already tired and that they are going to kill Marco. Queen prepares his laser beam while King "conjures" a fireball in his hand. They are both about to attack Marco.

Marco: "Okay, okay. I give up...
I've fought enough. My part ends here.
It's time for the “stars” to enter the stage!!

As Marco says that, we see Zoro's bandage being torn apart. Chopper is shocked (another "Enel face" lol)

Zoro: "Santouryuu...!!"

Sanji: "Diable...!!"

Zoro: "Rengoku Oni Giri!!!"

Sanji: "Mouton Shot!!!"

In a BADASS final double spread, Sanji and Zoro attack King and Queen together.

Zoro: "Hey swirly, if we manage to win this battle...!!"

Sanji: "Yeah, I can begin to see it...
The image of Luffy as “the Pirate King”!!!"

End of the chapter, no break in next Jump issue.
Would have gotten me if i didn't check the profile first:suresure:
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